Helm charts

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The Stream Reactor has a Helm chart for each connector. Configuration varies between connectors but they use the Stream Reactor dockers . The value files allow for setting each connectors configuration options.

Add the repo:

helm repo add lensesio https://helm.repo.lenses.io
helm repo update


The connectors support SSL and SASL on Kafka. For this you need to provide the base64 encoded contents of the key and truststores.

The key/truststores added to a secret and mounted into /mnt/secrets.

For SASL, you need to provide the base64 encoded keytab file contents. Note that the keytab path in the jaas.conf must be set to /mnt/secrets.

If the connector, for example, Cassandra requires SSL, provided the base64 contents for the key/truststores. They will be mounted into /mnt/connector-secrets and any connector config parameters are set automatically.

For connectors supporting TLS, the certs will be mounted via secrets into /mnt/connector-secrets and any connector config parameters are set automatically.

FOR BASE64 encoding Make sure to not include split lines.

openssl base64 < client.keystore.jks | tr -d '\n'
Last modified: October 2, 2024