In this example, we will show how Lenses can be used to transform complex data types into simple primitive ones.
We start this tutorial by creating a topic which will hold information regarding visits to our website:
CREATE TABLE lenses_monitoring( _key.landing_page string , _key.user string , time_spent_s int ) FORMAT(avro, avro);
Firstly we’ll add some data to our newly created topic:
INSERT INTO lenses_monitoring( _key.landing_page , _key.user , time_spent_s ) VALUES ("homepage", "anon_21", 30), ("why-lenses", "anon_32", 45), ("use-cases", "anon_56", 12), ("customers", "anon_36", 12), ("use-cases", "anon_126", 12);
For example, let’s say we’re interested in sending this data to a service that analyses the time spent on a page and how it changes over time.
This system has a caveat though it only accepts data where keys are specified as strings and values are specified as integers.
Rather than having to reimplement our analysis system, we can create a SQL Processor that will continuously send data to a new topic in a format the target system can work with:
SET defaults.topic.autocreate=true; INSERT INTO analysis_topic SELECT STREAM _key.landing_page as _key , time_spent_s as _value FROM lenses_monitoring;
Notice the addition of the as _key and as _value aliases; these tell lenses to “unwrap” the values; effectively making lenses write them as primitive types (string and integer respectively) instead of (in this particular case) Avro objects.
as _key
as _value
Lenses will also automatically infer the format of each topic facet, in this case it set them to STRING and INT respectively:
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