We recommend you install Lenses with HDInsight Kafka cluster. You can install Lenses as an HDInsight application in two ways:
Create a HDInsight cluster in Azure.
1) Select Kafka as the Cluster Type, enter the requested details, click next and configure the storage.
2) On the Configuration & Pricing tab, click Add Application.
3) Select Lenses in the Application blade, enter a valid license and accept the terms.
4) Select the VM size for Lenses:
Lenses will be installed and auto configured on an edge node of the HDInsight cluster. Read how to configure Zookeeper metrics.
Once the deployment is complete, in the Applications section on the left hand side menu, select Lenses, click the URI to go to Lenses and log in with admin/admin.
Lenses can be install against an existing cluster and will be installed and auto configured on an edge node of the HDInsight cluster. Read how to configure Zookeeper metrics.
You can either install Lenses as an application from the HDInsight dashboard or via a template.
1) Select the cluster in the Azure portal
2) Select Application from the left hand side menu
3) Add a new application
4) Select Lenses from the Application blade, provide the license and accept the terms.
In the Applications section on the left hand side menu, select Lenses, click the URI to go to Lenses and log in with admin/admin.
Enter your resource group, location, HDInsight cluster name, license and accept the terms and conditions and click create:
You can deploy Lenses in the different VNETs to your HDInsight Apache Kafka but you cannot use the provided FQDNs by HDInsight.
Visit the Kafka Service in the HDInsight admin panel find the kafka-env configuration:
To configure Kafka to advertise IP addresses, add the following text to the bottom of the kafka-env-template field:
IP_ADDRESS=$(hostname -i) echo advertised.listeners=$IP_ADDRESS sed -i.bak -e '/advertised/{/advertised@/!d;}' /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/conf/server.properties echo "advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://$IP_ADDRESS:9092" >> /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/conf/server.properties
After you have configured the Kafka Service turn on the maintenance mode in actions dropdown and restart all the brokers.
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