Find the complete list of options to configure your Lenses.
Basic configuration options
Start here with the basic Lenses and Kafka configuration options. Find default system topics, persistence storage, broker metrics, Kafka Connect and more.
Secure your Lenses with HTTPS and enable enterprise authentication for your users. Find SSL, TLS, LDAP, AD, SSO or SAML2.0 and Kerberos settings.
Persistent storage
Configure the state store for Lenses. Set the directory for H2 or the connection details for PostgresSQL.
Schema registries
Control how Lenses deletes schemas from your schema registry.
Control how Lenses deploys SQL processors on Kubernetes. Find SQL container images, pod sizing, allowed namespaces and Kubernetes communication intervals.
SQL snapshot (Explore)
Tailor your SQL studio performance. Find global limits for queries, sampling rates, buffers, state location and UDF settings.
Lenses internal Kafka topics
Control the Kafka topics used by Lenses itself. Find partition and replication settings, change their name.
Refresh intervals for interacting with Kafka and Kubernetes.
Connectors topology
Control how Lenses identifies your connectors in the Topology view. Catalog your connector types, set their icons, control how Lenses extracts the topics used by your connectors.
External Applications
Adjust observability of your applications. Health-check and cache settings.