A Helm chart is available and is the recommended way to install in Kubernetes. Only Helm v3 is supported.
helm repo add lensesio https://helm.repo.lenses.io helm repo update
Use helm to install Lenses, with default values:
helm install lenses lensesio/lenses --namespace lenses --create-namespace
The official Helm chart is available on GitHub. Use charts/lenses/values.yaml as a reference for the full list of available parameters and features.
Starting from version 5.3 Lenses provision operation has 3 primary methods:
Lenses UI
For a detailed list of deprecated fields visit: Helm Deprecated Fields
To avoid automatic provisioning via the filesystem method, we can simply disable it using:
lenses: provision: enabled: false
Then we can follow the Lenses UI Wizard Mode, after Lenses is deployed. Lenses UI Wizard Guide, or use the Provisioning API
The Lenses provisioning method employs a dual input mechanism, allowing you to configure connections and licenses either via the API or by locating the necessary files—namely, provisioning.yaml, license.json, and the required connection certificates—within the filesystem. This flexibility enables users to choose the most convenient and suitable approach for their provisioning needs.
All connection URLs and additional options have been consolidated within the lenses.provision field. This includes various configuration options such as License, Kafka Brokers, Zookeepers, Schema Registries, Kafka Connect Clusters, and their corresponding security and metrics settings. This streamlined organization makes it easier to manage and configure these essential components within your environment.
Both Lenses API provisioning and the lenses.provision Helm values field, depend on a common provisioning.yaml structure. You can find details in Lenses Provision Yaml which is required reading to help with configuring the field lenses.provision. Field lenses.provision can accept either normal yaml syntax, or stringified yaml input.
Lenses API provisioning
lenses: provision: enabled: true version: "2" license: "[LICENSE FILE CONTENTS]" connections: kafka: # Constant connection type name - name: kafka tags: [ "production", "cluster-1" ] # required, even if empty array configuration: protocol: value: SASL_SSL kafkaBootstrapServers: value: - SASL_SSL://my-cluster-1:9096 - SASL_SSL://my-cluster-2:9096 - SASL_SSL://my-cluster-3:9096 connect: - name: custom-connect-cluster tags: [ "production", "cluster-1", "lenses-processors" ] # required, even if empty array configuration: workers: value: - https://my-custom-connect-cluster:8083 metricsPort: value: 8084 metricsSsl: value: true metricsType: value: JMX
The security user contains the default username and password for the super administrator. See how to secure your admin account. For more details visit values.yaml
lenses: security: defaultUser: username: admin password: admin
There are two ways to configure a Lenses Database Storage
For more information, on how to configure Lenses database, see Persistent Storage
When opting for the local filesystem approach or when utilizing the Data Policies module, it becomes necessary to ensure the persistence of H2 data as well as your data policy rules. To achieve this, you must configure Lenses with a Kubernetes Persistent Volume using the persistence field within the Helm values. You can find more details in Persistence
persistence: enabled: true accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce size: 5Gi
To enable the PostgreSQL option, you can activate it by setting the lenses.storage.postgres.enabled field to true. Additionally, you can fine-tune and specify the database connection details by utilizing the configuration fields nested under lenses.storage.postgres. For more information, on how to configure Postgresql as Lenses database, see Postgresql
lenses: storage: postgres: enabled: true host: port: # optional, defaults to 5432 username: # use "external" to manage it using secrets password: # use "external" to manage it using secrets database: schema: # optional, defaults to public schema # Set the username for postgres connection # Use the value "external" to bypass the Helm validation and handle the username externally. # The common use case for using "external" is to take the actual value from a Kubernetes Secret resource already deployed. # To do so, add the following definition under 'lenses.additionalEnv' key: # - name: LENSES_STORAGE_POSTGRES_USERNAME # valueFrom: # secretKeyRef: # name: [SECRET_RESOURCE_NAME] # key: [SECRET_RESOURCE_KEY] # Set the password for postgres connection # Use the value "external" to bypass the Helm validation and handle the password externally. # The common use case for using "external" is to take the actual value from a Kubernetes Secret resource already deployed. # To do so, add the following definition under 'lenses.additionalEnv' key: # - name: LENSES_STORAGE_POSTGRES_PASSWORD # valueFrom: # secretKeyRef: # name: [SECRET_RESOURCE_NAME] # key: [SECRET_RESOURCE_KEY]
Beginning with Lenses version 5.3, a streamlined approach to managing secrets via Helm is introduced as Provisioning version 2. For reference to the previous method, refer to the Lenses 5.2 documentation.
Now, secrets intended for connection details, such as Kafka broker certificates, can be conveniently specified under lenses.provision.secrets. These secrets are automatically mapped to the files directory within the provisioning path you specify. To include them directly within your values.yaml file, simply add the required secret entries under lenses.provision.secrets.data.
If you wish to define a custom provisioning directory, you can easily do so by modifying the lenses.provision.path field within the values.yaml file. For a more comprehensive understanding of how this provisioning feature operates, you can refer to the Provisioning documentation for detailed insights and guidance.
To reference these secrets within the provisioning.yaml manifest, you can utilize the file paths provided by Lenses. Lenses offers two built-in environment variables: LENSES_PROVISIONING_PATH and LENSES_PROVISIONING_FILE_PATH, which respectively represent the provisioning path and file path. By default, all secrets defined in lenses.provision.secrets can be accessed at the path /mnt/provision-secrets.
lenses: provision: enabled: true version: "2" license: { "license": "json" } connections: kafka: # Constant connection type name - name: kafka tags: [ "production", "cluster-1" ] # required, even if empty array configuration: kafkaBootstrapServers: value: - SSL://your.kafka.broker.0:9093 - SSL://your.kafka.broker.1:9093 - SSL://your.kafka.broker.2:9093 protocol: value: SSL sslTruststore: file: ${LENSES_PROVISIONING_FILES_PATH}/kafka.truststore.jks sslTruststorePassword: value: "truststorePassword" sslKeystore: file: ${LENSES_PROVISIONING_FILES_PATH}/kafka.keystore.jks sslKeystorePassword: value: "keystorePassword" sslKeyPassword: value: "keyPassword" secrets: # Base64 encoded data: kafka.keystore.jks: |- /u3+7QAAAAIAAAACAAAAAgAGY2Fyb290...== kafka.truststore.jks: |- /u3+7QAAAAIAAAABAAAAAgAGY2Fyb290...==
To configure Streaming SQL options for Lenses use the lenses.sql field. For more details visit values.yaml
lenses: sql: mode: KUBERNETES heap: 900M memLimit: 1152M memRequest: 128M ssl: trustStoreFileData: |- keyStoreFileData: |- trustStorePassword: keyStorePassword: keyPassword:
lenses.tls contains tls options for configuring Lenses with TLS termination. For more details visit values.yaml
lenses: tls: enabled: true # base64 encoded keystore data # openssl base64 < keystore.jks | tr -d '\n' keyStoreFileData: |- /u3+7QAAAAIAAAACAAAAAgAGY2Fyb290...== # base64 keystore password # echo "$password" | tr -d '\n' | base64 keyStorePassword: |- YWRtaW4xMjM0 # base64 encoded truststore data # openssl base64 < truststore.jks | tr -d '\n' trustStoreFileData: |- /u3+7QAAAAIAAAABAAAAAgAGY2Fyb290...== # base64 truststore password # echo "$password" | tr -d '\n' | base64 trustStorePassword: |- YWRtaW4xMjM0 # base64 key password # echo "$password" | tr -d '\n' | base64 keyPassword: |- YWRtaW4xMjM0 clientAuth: false
Users can authenticate seamlessly via Single Sign-On (SSO) using the SAML 2.0 protocol, leveraging one of the supported integrations. It’s important to note that when using SSO, enabling TLS is also necessary for secure communication. For more details visit values.yaml
lenses: security: saml: enabled: true baseUrl: "https://lenses-prod.eastus2.cloudapp.azure.com" provider: "azure" keyStoreFileData: |- YmFzZTY0IG9mIGtleXN0b3JlIA== keyStorePassword: "password" keyPassword: "password" metadataFileData: |- LUlkUCBiYXNlNjQgWE1MIGZpbGUgY29udGVudC0=
With sidecar container configuration, you have the flexibility to deploy supplementary containers, such as data extractors or generators, alongside the Lenses container and provision sidecar. These additional containers can serve various purposes to enhance the functionality of your deployment. You can read more about sidecars. For more details visit values.yaml
# Simple example sidecarContainers: - name: sidecar-example image: alpine command: [ "sh", "-c", "watch datetime" ]
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