tar -xvf lenses.tar.gz -C lenses
This will extract the application in a lenses directory. Make sure the directory is owned by the root user.
Use the 2 sample configuration files, included in the directory, and create the Lenses configuration. The sample files are:
lenses.conf.sample security.conf.sample
lenses.conf security.conf
After that, the final directory structure should be:
lenses ├── lenses.conf ← edited and renamed from .sample ├── security.conf ← edited and renamed from .sample ├── license.json ├── logback.xml ├── logback-debug.xml ├── bin/ ├── jre/ ├── lib/ ├── licences/ ├── logs/ ← created when you run Lenses ├── plugins/ ├── storage/ ← created when you run Lenses └── ui/
security.conf contains sensitive information:
Make it only readable by the Lenses user:
chmod 0600 /path/to/security.conf chown [lenses-user]:root /path/to/security.conf
Lenses needs write access in 4-5 places in total:
[RUNTIME DIRECTORY]/logs/lenses-sql-kstream-state
Start Lenses by running:
or pass the location of the config file:
bin/lenses lenses.conf
If you do not pass the location of the config file, Lenses will look for it inside the current (runtime) directory. If it does not exist, it will try its installation directory.
The default settings mean that you can login on http://localhost:9991 using your authentication provider, or with the admin account that comes by default with the admin:admin credentials. We strongly recommend changing the defaults.
Lenses license and connections to external services can be configured through wizard configuration, which will appear at Lenses start up, or via a Lenses CLI provision subcommand.
To stop Lenses, press CTRL+C.
Lenses and Kafka itself use two common Java libraries that take advantage of JNI and are extracted to /tmp.
You must either:
LENSES_OPTS="-Dorg.xerial.snappy.tempdir=/path/to/exec/tmp -Djava.io.tmpdir=/path/to/exec/tmp"
If your server uses systemd as Service Manager, then manage Lenses (start upon system boot, stop, restart) with it. Below you can find a simple unit file that starts Lenses automatically on system boot.
[Unit] Description=Run Lenses.io service [Service] Restart=always User=[LENSES-USER] Group=[LENSES-GROUP] LimitNOFILE=4096 WorkingDirectory=/opt/lenses #Environment=LENSES_LOG4J_OPTS="-Dlogback.configurationFile=file:/etc/lenses/logback.xml" ExecStart=/opt/lenses/bin/lenses /etc/lenses/lenses.conf [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
This step will run Lenses in Wizard mode, so connections will be configured through the UI. In the case it is preferred to run Lenses with automatic configuration, then you’ll need a second service.
Before continuing, please read about dynamic configuration and lenses-cli provision.
Now, we can create a second unit file that will provision Lenses given a provision.yaml. Find the systemd unit file and provision.sh script below.
#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o nounset; LENSES_PROVISION_YAML=${1:-provision.yaml} LENSES_ADMIN_USER=${LENSES_ADMIN_USER:-admin} LENSES_ADMIN_PASS=${LENSES_ADMIN_PASS:-admin} LENSES_PORT=${LENSES_PORT:-9991} LENSES_HOST=${LENSES_HOST:-localhost} echo "Loading configuration from ${LENSES_PROVISION_YAML}" if [ -f "${LENSES_PROVISION_YAML}" ]; then echo "Found '${LENSES_PROVISION_YAML}'. Configuring Lenses with the following settings:" cat "${LENSES_PROVISION_YAML}" else echo "${LENSES_PROVISION_YAML} not found. Lenses will not be provisioned. Stopping process." exit 1; fi lenses-cli provision --wait-for-lenses --setup-mode \ --host="${LENSES_HOST}":"${LENSES_PORT}" \ --user="${LENSES_ADMIN_USER}" \ --pass="${LENSES_ADMIN_PASS}" \ "${LENSES_PROVISION_YAML}"
# provision.service [Unit] Description=Provision Lenses 5.1 serviceAfter=lenses.service [Service] Restart=alwaysWorkingDirectory=/opt/lenses/ ExecStart=/usr/bin/env bash /opt/lenses/bin/provision.sh /etc/lenses/provision.yaml [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Lenses uses the default truststore (cacerts) of the system’s JRE (Java Runtime) installation. The truststore is used to verify remote servers on TLS connections, such as Kafka Brokers with an SSL protocol, Secure LDAP, JMX over TLS, and more. Whilst for some type of connections (e.g. Kafka Brokers) a separate keystore can be provided at the connection’s configuration, for some other connections (e.g. Secure LDAP and JMX over TLS) we always rely on the system truststore.
It is possible to set a global custom truststore via the LENSES_OPTS environment variable:
export LENSES_OPTS="-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/path/to/truststore.jks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit" bin/lenses
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