Lenses.io is an advanced Amazon MSK integration offering data observability, productivity, monitoring, security and governance for Apache Kafka and event/streaming applications.
Read bellow to learn more about
Select CloudFormation Template, Lenses EC2 and your region
2) Choose Launch CloudFormation
3) Continue with the default options for creating the stack in the AWS wizard.
Fill in the parameters at Specify stack details.
4) Review the stack:
5) Accept the terms and conditions and create the stack:
6) Once the stack has deployed, go to the Output tab and click on the FQDN link. If there are no outputs listed you might need to press the refresh button.
7) Login to Lenses with admin and the password value you have submitted on parameter LensesAdminPassword.
The template enables the following policies:
In-order to do in-place Lenses version upgrades, by downloading Linux binary from Lenses Archive, and you are using storage mode local it is suggested first to do an H2 database backup as in the following article
In version 5.0.0 and onwards port 22 is no longer allowed as an Inbound rule, on the Lenses security group. This is in sync with AWS Marketplace security recommendations, since most users would leave the default allow rule of, which is a known security risk.
However, to be able to connect with SSH to the instance, you can apply the following workaround step-by-step guide, that utilizes EC2 Instance Connect browser feature:
EC2 Instance Connect
1) Find your cloudformation stack and open the stack resources menu
2) From there you can find the Lenses Instance details and on the Security tab, go to the Lenses Security group to Edit inbound rules.
3) Add a temporary SSH allow rule with type SSH, for All Ipv4 addresses and Save. This is a pre-requisite for EC2 Instance Connect feature.
4) Go back to instance details and hit the Connect button. It will take you to the EC2 Instance Connect screen, to SSH via the browser. Leave parameters user root as is and hit Connect
Use the browser terminal to edit ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.
5) Assuming you have an SSH keypair, copy the public key content to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. EC2 Instance Connect terminal, uses Ctrl+V to paste copied content from outside the browser screen (such as clipboard). Save the file when done.
You can generate a new secure keypair using ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 command.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
6) Now, after adding a public key, you no longer need EC2 Instance Connect so you can restrict SSH either to a specific IP address, e.g. a VPN server address or only your own public IP, using option My IP on the previous SSH rule.
7) You can now connect from your local environment to the Lenses Instance, using the private key as root user. Remember to revoke SSH access when done.
Lenses supports connection to MSK brokers via IAM. If Lenses is deployed on an EC2 instance it will use the default credential chain loader to authentic and connect to MSK.
Lenses adds to Amazon MSK a secure User Interface with DataOps capabilities for:
1. Secure AWS installation2. AWS marketplace (Hourly usage)3. AWS marketplace (BYOL - Bring Your own license) - get a trial license4. AWS EDP Private Offer contact us for an AWS EDP offer.
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