Basic configuration options


Reference documentation of all configuration and authentication options:

lenses.ipBind HTTP at the given endpoint. Use in conjunction with lenses.port0.0.0.0stringno
lenses.portThe HTTP port to listen for API, UI and WS calls9991intno
lenses.jmx.portBind JMX port to enable monitoring Lensesintno
lenses.secret.fileThe full path to security.conf for security credentialssecurity.confstringno
lenses.sql.execution.modeStreaming SQL mode IN_PROC (test mode) or KUBERNETES (prod mode)IN_PROCstringno
lenses.offset.workersNumber of workers to monitor topic offsets5intno
lenses.telemetry.enableEnable telemetry data collectiontruebooleanno
lenses.kafka.control.topicsAn array of topics to be treated as “system topics”listarrayno
lenses.grafanaAdd your Grafana url i.e. http://grafanahost:portstringno
lenses.api.response.cache.enableIf enabled, it disables client cache on the Lenses API HTTP responses by adding these HTTP Headers: Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, Pragma: no-cache, and Expires: -1.falsebooleanno

Default system topics 

System or control topics are created by services for their internal use. Below is the list of built-in configuration to identify them.

  • _schemas
  • __consumer_offsets
  • _kafka_lenses_
  • lsql_*
  • lsql-*
  • __transaction_state
  • __topology
  • __topology__metrics
  • _confluent*
  • *-KSTREAM-*
  • *-TableSource-*
  • *-changelog
  • __amazon_msk*

Wildcard (*) is used to match any name in the path to capture a list of topics not just one. When the wildcard is not specified, Lenses matches on the entry name provided.

Last modified: October 2, 2024