
What’s New in Lenses 5.0


  • Wizard - First time installation without any helm / docker / api / cli / provisioning configuration will trigger Lenses Wizard. Lenses Wizard is an easy tool that will help user with Kafka and License configuration in a browser. After finishing Wizard, Lenses will start as usual.
  • Core connections management - user can manage core connections (Kafka, Schema Registry, Kerberos, Kafka Connect, Zookeeper) in a real time. It means that now it is possible to add / test / update and delete core connection in much more friendly way without Lenses restart.
  • License management - Lenses does not expect to find a license in a file. In case of migration Lenses will find license in the database (no additional action required). In case of new installation there is few other ways of providing license (check this ). License can be updated in the runtime (Admin -> License), without Lenses restart.
  • Protobuf: Introducing Protobuf support in our SQL Snapshot, SQL Streaming and Data Catalog. Users can view, query and process Kafka topics with Protobuf messages


  • Topology: Topology had a full revamp. More information for your application landscape is now available, in a topological graphical view that can serve thousands of nodes. For more details check Topology
  • Consumer lag alert: Introducing Trigger Policy field. Alert events for any group and a topic with more than 1 partition were difficult to read and sometimes even decide if an alert was resolved. A user can specify when an alert should trigger and when it should be marked as resolved. For more detail check alert page
  • Performance: We removed all our Server-Sent Events (SSE) connections and replaced them with WebSockets improving the performance and stability of the application.
  • SQL Processors: Shows created time for a SQL processor
  • SQL Processors: Adds the Created At field which is displayed on the UI as well
  • SQL Processors: AVRO upgraded to 1.10 SQL Processors: AVRO scale and precision support streamlined to avoid creating different schema versions because of different input scale and precision
  • SQL Processors: Improves performance for boolean expressions evaluation
  • SQL Processors: Support specifying tags and description for a Processor upon registration
  • SQL Processors: Removed the limitation on the SQL processor names
  • SQL Processors: Add a Description column to our Applications
  • External Apps: Registering an application validates the schema (HTTP/HTTPS) is present
  • SQL Snapshot: Improving documentation around UDFs via custom docker image using Helm chart
  • SQL Snapshot: Allows to control the resulting Kafka message timestamp when inserting data via SQL statements
  • Config: Removed obsolete lenses.topics.processors configuration entry
  • SQL Snapshot: Richer support for data and time values, with introduction of many functions to serve the needs to convert between time-zones and more
  • SQL Snapshot: Expands the functionality of the syntax for selections in LSQL supporting expressions like array[1].foo or repeat(a.b,12)[10].foo[1]
  • User Interface: Introducing a simple way to copy paste and share with our support any client side error appearing in the application
  • User Interface: Update the design of the modal that prevents the user from losing untested changes when leaving a step in the Wizard
  • User Interface: Improved the design of the Metrics screen making the important information easier to find.
  • User Interface: Topic Schema view has improved to remove any confusion form the user explicitly specifying where the Schema is coming from
  • Schema Registry: Improve our Schema Registry support by providing new APIs and an enhanced User Interface


  • SQL snapshot: Inserting Enum values are not failing anymore
  • SQL Snapshot: Stops writing to topics holding payloads as XML, CSV, SW, TW
  • SQL Snapshot: A query with the timestamp filter beyond the latest on the record avoids doing a full scan.
  • SQL Snapshot: Inner SQL statements LIMIT it’s now applied
  • SQL Snapshot: Query results respects format.timestamp to return the data as a human readable text
  • SQL Snapshot: Viewing data for a Kafka topic-partition via the topic screen will not spin forever when the timestamp is set to the future.
  • SQL Intellisense: Completing the function names when the function is a SQL keyword (i.e EXISTS) is correctly escaped
  • SQL Intellisense: Fixes an issue with Intellisense for Streaming suggesting the wrong keyword
  • Data Catalog: Fix an issue where the spinner on Explore was permanently present
  • Data Policies: Apply data policies even for topic payloads with a primitive format (i.e. STRING, INT, LONG)
  • License: show the correct message when license is missing
  • Topic Details: Increase partitions UI validation was incorrect at times.