A Kafka Connect JMS source connector to subscribe to messages on JMS queues and topics and write them to a Kafka topic.
KCQL support
The following KCQL is supported:
INSERT INTO kafka_topic
FROM jms_destination
Selection of fields from the JMS message is not supported.
-- Select from a JMS queue and write to a Kafka topic
-- Select from a JMS topic and write to a Kafka topic with a json converter
SELECT * FROM jms_queue
The connector uses the standard JMS proctocols and has been tested against ActiveMQ.
The connector allows for the JMS inital.context.factory and connection.factory to be set according to your JMS provider. The appropriate implementation jars must be added to the CLASSPATH of the connect workers or placed in the plugin.path of the connector.
Each JMS message is committed only when it has been written to Kafka. If a failure happens when writing to Kafka, i.e. the message is too large, then that JMS message will not be acknowledged. It will stay in the queue so it can be actioned upon.
The schema of the messages is fixed and can found Data Types unless a converter is used.
Destination Types
The connector support both TOPICS and QUEUES, controlled by the WITHTYPE KCQL clause.
Message Converters
The connector supports converters to handle different messages payload format in the source topic or queue. See source record converters .
If no converter is provide the JMS message is converter to a Kafka Struct representation. See Data Types .
Launch the stack
- Copy the docker-compose file.
- Bring up the stack.
export CONNECTOR=jms
docker-compose up -d activemq
Inserting test data
Login into the activemq container:
docker exec -ti activemq /bin/bash
Run the following command to generate messages:
bin/activemq producer --destination queue://jms-queue --message "hello Lenses!"
Start the connector
If you are using Lenses, login into Lenses and navigate to the connectors page , select JMS as the source and paste the following:
connect.jms.kcql=INSERT INTO jms SELECT * FROM jms-queue WITHTYPE QUEUE
To start the connector without using Lenses, log into the fastdatadev container:
docker exec -ti fastdata /bin/bash
and create a connector.properties file containing the properties above.
Create the connector, with the connect-cli :
connect-cli create jms < connector.properties
Wait a for the connector to start and check its running:
connect-cli status jms
Check for records in Kafka
Check the records in Lenses or with via the console:
kafka-avro-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--topic jms \
Data type conversion
Name | Type |
message_timestamp | Optional int64 |
correlation_id | Optional string |
redelivered | Optional boolean |
reply_to | Optional string |
destination | Optional string |
message_id | Optional string |
mode | Optional int32 |
type | Optional string |
priority | Optional int32 |
bytes_payload | Optional bytes |
properties | Map of string |
Clean up
Bring down the stack:
docker-compose down
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
connect.jms.url | Provides the JMS broker url | string | |
connect.jms.initial.context.factory | Initial Context Factory, e.g: org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory | string | |
connect.jms.connection.factory | Provides the full class name for the ConnectionFactory compile to use, e.gorg.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory | string | ConnectionFactory |
connect.jms.kcql | connect.jms.kcql | string | |
connect.jms.subscription.name | subscription name to use when subscribing to a topic, specifying this makes a durable subscription for topics | string | |
connect.jms.password | Provides the password for the JMS connection | password | |
connect.jms.username | Provides the user for the JMS connection | string | |
connect.jms.error.policy | Specifies the action to be taken if an error occurs while inserting the data. There are two available options: NOOP - the error is swallowed THROW - the error is allowed to propagate. RETRY - The exception causes the Connect framework to retry the message. The number of retries is based on The error will be logged automatically | string | THROW |
connect.jms.retry.interval | The time in milliseconds between retries. | int | 60000 |
connect.jms.max.retries | The maximum number of times to try the write again. | int | 20 |
connect.jms.destination.selector | Selector to use for destination lookup. Either CDI or JNDI. | string | CDI |
connect.jms.initial.context.extra.params | List (comma separated) of extra properties as key/value pairs with a colon delimiter to supply to the initial context e.g. SOLACE_JMS_VPN:my_solace_vp | list | [] |
connect.jms.batch.size | The number of records to poll for on the target JMS destination in each Connect poll. | int | 100 |
connect.jms.polling.timeout | Provides the timeout to poll incoming messages | long | 1000 |
connect.jms.source.default.converter | Contains a canonical class name for the default converter of a raw JMS message bytes to a SourceRecord. Overrides to the default can be done by using connect.jms.source.converters still. i.e. com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.source.converters.AvroConverter | string | |
connect.jms.converter.throw.on.error | If set to false the conversion exception will be swallowed and everything carries on BUT the message is lost!!; true will throw the exception.Default is false. | boolean | false |
connect.converter.avro.schemas | If the AvroConverter is used you need to provide an avro Schema to be able to read and translate the raw bytes to an avro record. The format is $MQTT_TOPIC=$PATH_TO_AVRO_SCHEMA_FILE | string | |
connect.jms.headers | Contains collection of static JMS headers included in every SinkRecord The format is connect.jms.headers="$MQTT_TOPIC=rmq.jms.message.type:TextMessage,rmq.jms.message.priority:2;$MQTT_TOPIC2=rmq.jms.message.type:JSONMessage" | string | |
connect.progress.enabled | Enables the output for how many records have been processed | boolean | false |
connect.jms.evict.interval.minutes | Removes the uncommitted messages from the internal cache. Each JMS message is linked to the Kafka record to be published. Failure to publish a record to Kafka will mean the JMS message will not be acknowledged. | int | 10 |
connect.jms.evict.threshold.minutes | The number of minutes after which an uncommitted entry becomes evictable from the connector cache. | int | 10 |
connect.jms.scale.type | How the connector tasks parallelization is decided. Available values are kcql and default. If kcql is provided it will be based on the number of KCQL statements written; otherwise it will be driven based on the connector tasks.max | string | kcql |