Kafka Connector source connector that monitors files on an FTP server and feeds changes into Kafka.
KCQL support
KCQL is not supported.
Provide the remote directories and on specified intervals, the list of files in the directories is refreshed. Files are downloaded when they were not known before, or when their timestamp or size are changed. Only files with a timestamp younger than the specified maximum age are considered. Hashes of the files are maintained and used to check for content changes. Changed files are then fed into Kafka, either as a whole (update) or only the appended part (tail), depending on the configuration. Optionally, file bodies can be transformed through a pluggable system prior to putting it into Kafka.
Data Types
Each Kafka record represents a file and has the following types.
- The format of the keys is configurable through connect.ftp.keystyle=string|struct. It can be a string with the file name, or a FileInfo structure with name: string and offset: long. The offset is always 0 for files that are updated as a whole, and hence only relevant for tailed files.
- The values of the records contain the body of the file as bytes.
Tailing Versus Update as a Whole
The following rules are used.
Tailed files are only allowed to grow. Bytes that have been appended to it since the last inspection are yielded. Preceding bytes are not allowed to change;
Updated files can grow, shrink and change anywhere. The entire contents are yielded.
Data Converters
Instead of dumping whole file bodies (and the danger of exceeding Kafka’s message.max.bytes), one might want to give an interpretation to the data contained in the files before putting it into Kafka. For example, if the files that are fetched from the FTP are comma-separated values (CSVs), one might prefer to have a stream of CSV records instead. To allow to do so, the connector provides a pluggable conversion of SourceRecords. Right before sending a SourceRecord to the Connect framework, it is run through an object that implements:
package com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.ftp
trait SourceRecordConverter extends Configurable {
def convert(in:SourceRecord) : java.util.List[SourceRecord]
The default object that is used is a pass-through converter, an instance of:
class NopSourceRecordConverter extends SourceRecordConverter{
override def configure(props: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = {}
override def convert(in: SourceRecord): util.List[SourceRecord] = Seq(in).asJava
To override it, create your own implementation of SourceRecordConverter and place the jar in the plugin.path.
Launch the stack
- Copy the docker-compose file.
- Bring up the stack.
export CONNECTOR=ftp
docker-compose up -d ftp
Inserting test data
Once your containers are running. Login into your container:
docker exec -ti ftp /bin/bash
Start the connector
If you are using Lenses, login into Lenses and navigate to the connectors page , select FTP as the source and paste the following:
#server settings
#refresh rate, every minute
#ignore files older than 14 days.
#monitor /forecasts/weather/ and /logs/ for appends to files.
#any updates go to the topics `weather` and `error-logs` respectively.
#keep an eye on /statuses/, files are retrieved as a whole and sent to topic `status`
#keystyle controls the format of the key and can be string or struct.
#string only provides the file name
#struct provides a structure with the filename and offset
To start the connector without using Lenses, log into the fastdatadev container:
docker exec -ti fastdata /bin/bash
and create a connector.properties file containing the properties above.
Create the connector, with the connect-cli :
connect-cli create ftp < connector.properties
Wait a for the connector to start and check its running:
connect-cli status ftp
Check for records in Kafka
Check the records in Lenses or with via the console:
kafka-avro-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--topic orders-topic \
Clean up
Bring down the stack:
docker-compose down
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
connect.ftp.address | host[:port] of the ftp server | string | |
connect.ftp.user | Username to connect with | string | |
connect.ftp.password | Password to connect with | string | |
connect.ftp.refresh | iso8601 duration that the server is polled | string | |
connect.ftp.file.maxage | iso8601 duration for how old files can be | string | |
connect.ftp.keystyle | SourceRecord keystyle, string or struct | string | |
connect.ftp.protocol | Protocol to use, FTP, FTPS or SFTP | string | ftp |
connect.ftp.timeout | Ftp connection timeout in milliseconds | int | 30000 |
connect.ftp.filter | Regular expression to use when selecting files for processing | string | .* |
connect.ftp.monitor.tail | Comma separated lists of path:destinationtopic; tail of file to tracked | string | |
connect.ftp.monitor.update | Comma separated lists of path:destinationtopic; whole file is tracked | string | |
connect.ftp.monitor.slicesize | File slice size in bytes | int | -1 |
connect.ftp.fileconverter | File converter class | string | com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.ftp.source.SimpleFileConverter |
connect.ftp.sourcerecordconverter | Source record converter class | string | com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.ftp.source.NopSourceRecordConverter |
connect.ftp.max.poll.records | Max number of records returned per poll | int | 10000 |