Kafka Connect Cassandra is a Source Connector for reading data from Cassandra and writing to Kafka.
KCQL support
The following KCQL is supported:
INSERT INTO <your-topic>
FROM <your-cassandra-table>
-- Select all columns from table orders and insert into a topic
-- called orders-topic, use column created to track new rows.
-- Incremental mode set to TIMEUUID
-- Select created, product, price from table orders and insert
-- into a topic called orders-topic, use column created to track new rows.
INSERT INTO orders-topic SELECT created, product, price FROM orders PK created.
The connector can load data in two ways:
- Bulk - The connector constantly loads the entrie table.
- Incremental - The connector performs and inital bulk load then incremental queries for new records.
This behaviour is determined by the mode clause on the KCQL statement:
Keyed JSON Format
The connector can write JSON to your Kafka topic using the WITHFORMAT JSON clause but the key and value converters must be set:
In order to facilitate scenarios like retaining the latest value for a given device identifier, or support Kafka Streams joins without having to re-map the topic data the connector supports WITHKEY in the KCQL syntax.
SELECT <fields>
FROM <column_family>
PK <PK_field>
Multiple keys fields are supported using a delimiter:
// `[` enclosed by `]` denotes optional values
WITHKEY(field1 [, field2.A , field3]) [KEYDELIMITER='.']
The resulting Kafka record key content will be the string concatenation for the values of the fields specified. Optionally the delimiter can be set via the KEYDELIMITER keyword.
Incremental mode
This mode tracks new records added to a table. The columns to track is identified by the PK clause in the KCQL statement. Only one column can be used to track new records. The support Cassandra column data types are:
If set to TOKEN this column value is wrapped inside Cassandras token function which needs unwrapping with the WITHUNWRAP command.
DSESEARCHTIMESTAMP will make a DSE Search queries using Solr instead of a native Cassandra query.
SELECT a, b, c, d
FROM keyspace.table
WHERE solr_query= 'pkCol:{2020-03-23T15:02:21Z TO 2020-03-23T15:30:12.989Z]}'
Controlling throughput
The connector can be configured to:
- Start from a particular offset -
- Increase or decrease the poll interval -
- Set a slice duration to query for in milliseconds - ``connect.cassandra.slice.duration`
For a more detailed explanation on how to use Cassandra to Kafka options.
Launch the stack
- Copy the docker-compose file.
- Bring up the stack.
export CONNECTOR=cassandra
docker-compose up -d cassandra
Inserting test data
Login into your container:
docker exec -ti cassandra cqlsh
and and create the following keyspace, table and insert test data:
WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};
USE demo;
id int
, created timeuuid
, product text
, qty int
, price float
, PRIMARY KEY (id, created))
INSERT INTO orders (id, created, product, qty, price)
VALUES (1, now(), 'OP-DAX-P-20150201-95.7', 100, 94.2);
INSERT INTO orders (id, created, product, qty, price)
VALUES (2, now(), 'OP-DAX-C-20150201-100', 100, 99.5);
INSERT INTO orders (id, created, product, qty, price)
VALUES (3, now(), 'FU-KOSPI-C-20150201-100', 200, 150);
Start the connector
If you are using Lenses, login into Lenses and navigate to the connectors page , select Cassandra as the source and paste the following:
connect.cassandra.kcql=INSERT INTO orders-topic SELECT * FROM orders PK created INCREMENTALMODE=TIMEUUID
To start the connector without using Lenses, log into the fastdatadev container:
docker exec -ti fastdata /bin/bash
and create a connector.properties file containing the properties above.
Create the connector, with the connect-cli :
connect-cli create cassandra-source < connector.properties
Wait a for the connector to start and check its running:
connect-cli status cassandra-source
Check for records in Kafka
Check the records in Lenses or with via the console:
kafka-avro-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092 \
--topic orders-topic \
Source Data Type Mapping
The following CQL data types are supported:
CQL Type | Connect Data Type |
TimeUUID | Optional String |
UUID | Optional String |
Inet | Optional String |
Ascii | Optional String |
Text | Optional String |
Timestamp | Optional String |
Date | Optional String |
Tuple | Optional String |
UDT | Optional String |
Boolean | Optional Boolean |
TinyInt | Optional Int8 |
SmallInt | Optional Int16 |
Int | Optional Int32 |
Decimal | Optional String |
Float | Optional Float32 |
Counter | Optional Int64 |
BigInt | Optional Int64 |
VarInt | Optional Int64 |
Double | Optional Int64 |
Time | Optional Int64 |
Blob | Optional Bytes |
Map | Optional [String -> MAP] |
List | Optional [String -> ARRAY] |
Set | Optional [String -> ARRAY] |
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
connect.cassandra.contact.points | Initial contact point host for Cassandra including port. | string | localhost |
connect.cassandra.port | Cassandra native port. | int | 9042 |
connect.cassandra.key.space | Keyspace to write to. | string | |
connect.cassandra.username | Username to connect to Cassandra with. | string | |
connect.cassandra.password | Password for the username to connect to Cassandra with. | password | |
connect.cassandra.ssl.enabled | Secure Cassandra driver connection via SSL. | boolean | false |
connect.cassandra.trust.store.path | Path to the client Trust Store. | string | |
connect.cassandra.trust.store.password | Password for the client Trust Store. | password | |
connect.cassandra.trust.store.type | Type of the Trust Store, defaults to JKS | string | JKS |
connect.cassandra.key.store.type | Type of the Key Store, defauts to JKS | string | JKS |
connect.cassandra.ssl.client.cert.auth | Enable client certification authentication by Cassandra. Requires KeyStore options to be set. | boolean | false |
connect.cassandra.key.store.path | Path to the client Key Store. | string | |
connect.cassandra.key.store.password | Password for the client Key Store | password | |
connect.cassandra.consistency.level | Consistency refers to how up-to-date and synchronized a row of Cassandra data is on all of its replicas. Cassandra offers tunable consistency. For any given read or write operation, the client application decides how consistent the requested data must be. | string | |
connect.cassandra.fetch.size | The number of records the Cassandra driver will return at once. | int | 5000 |
connect.cassandra.load.balancing.policy | Cassandra Load balancing policy. ROUND_ROBIN, TOKEN_AWARE, LATENCY_AWARE or DC_AWARE_ROUND_ROBIN. TOKEN_AWARE and LATENCY_AWARE use DC_AWARE_ROUND_ROBIN | string | TOKEN_AWARE |
connect.cassandra.error.policy | Specifies the action to be taken if an error occurs while inserting the data. There are three available options: NOOP - the error is swallowed THROW - the error is allowed to propagate. RETRY - The exception causes the Connect framework to retry the message. The number of retries is set by connect.cassandra.max.retries. All errors will be logged automatically, even if the code swallows them. | string | THROW |
connect.cassandra.max.retries | The maximum number of times to try the write again. | int | 20 |
connect.cassandra.retry.interval | The time in milliseconds between retries. | int | 60000 |
connect.cassandra.task.buffer.size | The size of the queue as read writes to. | int | 10000 |
connect.cassandra.assigned.tables | The tables a task has been assigned. | string | |
connect.cassandra.batch.size | The number of records the source task should drain from the reader queue. | int | 100 |
connect.cassandra.import.poll.interval | The polling interval between queries against tables for bulk mode. | long | 1000 |
connect.cassandra.time.slice.ms | The range of time in milliseconds the source task the timestamp/timeuuid will use for query | long | 10000 |
connect.cassandra.import.allow.filtering | Enable ALLOW FILTERING in incremental selects. | boolean | true |
connect.cassandra.slice.duration | Duration to query for in target Cassandra table. Used to restrict query timestamp span | long | 10000 |
connect.cassandra.slice.delay.ms | The delay between the current time and the time range of the query. Used to insure all of the data in the time slice is available | long | 30000 |
connect.cassandra.initial.offset | The initial timestamp to start querying in Cassandra from (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS’Z’). Default 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0000000Z | string | 1900-01-01 00:00:00.0000000Z |
connect.cassandra.mapping.collection.to.json | Mapping columns with type Map, List and Set like json | boolean | true |
connect.cassandra.kcql | KCQL expression describing field selection and routes. | string |