Release notes
Note: S3 Connector Changes
From Version 4.10, S3 Connectors will use the AWS Client by default. You can revert to the jClouds version by setting the
- Scala upgrade to 2.13.10
- Dependency upgrades
- Upgrade to Kafka 3.3.0
- SimpleJsonConverter - Fixes mismatching schema error.
AWS S3 Sink Connector
- Add connection pool config
- Add Short type support
- Support null values
- Enabling Compression Codecs for Avro and Parquet
- Switch to AWS client by default
- Add option to add a padding when writing files, so that files can be restored in order by the source
- Enable wildcard syntax to support multiple topics without additional configuration.
AWS S3 Source Connector
- Add connection pool config
- Retain partitions from filename or regex
- Switch to AWS client by default
MQTT Source Connector
- Allow toggling the skipping of MQTT Duplicates
MQTT Sink Connector
- Functionality to ensure unique MQTT Client ID is used for MQTT sink
Elastic6 & Elastic7 Sink Connectors
- Fixing issue with missing null values
- Scala 2.13 Upgrade
- Gradle to SBT Migration
- Producing multiple artifacts supporting both Kafka 2.8 and Kafka 3.1.
- Upgrade to newer dependencies to reduce CVE count
- Switch e2e tests from Java to Scala.
AWS S3 Sink Connector
- Optimal seek algorithm - see documentation for more detail.
- Parquet data size flushing fixes.
- Adding date partitioning capability - see documentation for more detail.
- Adding switch to use official AWS library - see documentation for more detail.
- Add AWS STS dependency to ensure correct operation when assuming roles with a web identity token.
- Provide better debugging in case of exceptions.
FTP Source Connector
- Fixes to slice mode support.
Hazelcast Sink Connector
- Upgrade to HazelCast 4.2.4. The configuration model has changed and now uses clusters instead of username and password configuration.
Hive Sink Connector
- Update of parquet functionality to ensure operation with Parquet 1.12.2.
- Support for Hive 3.1.3.
JMS Connector
- Enable protobuf support.
- Upgrade to Pulsar 2.10 and associated refactor to support new client API.
- Replace Log4j with Logback to overcome CVE-2021-44228
- Bringing code from legacy dependencies inside of project
Cassandra Sink Connector
- Ensuring the table name is logged on encountering an InvalidQueryException
HBase Sink Connector
- Alleviate possible race condition
- Move to KCQL 2.8.9
- Change sys.errors to ConnectExceptions
- Additional testing with TestContainers
- Licence scan report and status
AWS S3 Sink Connector
- S3 Source Offset Fix
- Fix JSON & Text newline detection when running in certain Docker images
- Byte handling fixes
- Partitioning of nested data
- Error handling and retry logic
- Handle preCommit with null currentOffsets
- Remove bucket validation on startup
- Enabled simpler management of default flush values.
- Local write mode - build locally, then ship
- Deprecating old properties, however rewriting them to the new properties to ensure backwards compatibility.
- Adding the capability to specify properties in yaml configuration
- Rework exception handling. Refactoring errors to use Either[X,Y] return types where possible instead of throwing exceptions.
- Ensuring task can be stopped gracefully if it has not been started yet
- ContextReader testing and refactor
- Adding a simple state model to the S3Writer to ensure that states and transitions are kept consistent. This can be improved in time.
AWS S3 Source Connector
- Change order of match to avoid scala.MatchError
- S3 Source rewritten to be more efficient and use the natural ordering of S3 keys
- Region is necessary when using the AWS client
Cassandra Sink & Source Connectors
- Add connection and read client timeout
FTP Connector
- Support for Secure File Transfer Protocol
Hive Sink Connector
- Array Support
- Kerberos debug flag added
Influx DB Sink
- Bump influxdb-java from version 2.9 to 2.29
- Added array handling support
MongoDB Sink Connector
- Nested Fields Support
Redis Sink Connector
- Fix Redis Pubsub Writer
- Add support for json and json with schema
Move to connect-common 2.0.5 that adds complex type support to KCQL
- AWS S3 Sink Connector
- Prevent null pointer exception in converters when maps are presented will null values
- Offset reader optimisation to reduce S3 load
- Ensuring that commit only occurs after the preconfigured time interval when using WITH_FLUSH_INTERVAL
- AWS S3 Source Connector (New Connector)
- Cassandra Source Connector
- Add Bucket Timeseries Mode
- Reduction of logging noise
- Proper handling of uninitialized connections on task stop()
- Elasticsearch Sink Connector
- Update default port
- Hive Sink
- Improve Orc format handling
- Fixing issues with partitioning by non-string keys
- Hive Source
- Ensuring newly written files can be read by the hive connector by introduction of a refresh frequency configuration option.
- Redis Sink
- Correct Redis writer initialisation
- AWS S3 Sink Connector
- Elasticsearch 7 Support
Hive Source
- Rename option
- Rename option
- Rename option
Fix Elastic start up NPE
Fix to correct batch size extraction from KCQL on Pulsar
- Move to Scala 2.12
- Move to Kafka 2.4.1 and Confluent 5.4
- Deprecated:
- Druid Sink (not scala 2.12 compatible)
- Elastic Sink (not scala 2.12 compatible)
- Elastic5 Sink(not scala 2.12 compatible)
- Redis
- Add support for Redis Streams
- Cassandra
- Add support for setting the LoadBalancer policy on the Cassandra Sink
- ReThinkDB
- Use SSL connection on Rethink initialize tables is ssl set
- FTP Source
- Respect connect.ftp.max.poll.records when reading slices
- MQTT Source
- Allow lookup of avro schema files with wildcard subscriptions