Options for specific deployment targets:
Global options
Common settings, independently the underlying deployment target:
Key | Description | Default |
lenses.deployments.events.buffer.size | Buffer size for events coming from Deployment targets such as Kubernetes | 10000 |
lenses.deployments.errors.buffer.size | Buffer size for errors happening on the communication between Lenses and the Deployment targets such as Kubernetes | 1000 |
Kafka Connect
Kafka Connect connectivity is optional. Set up when using Kafka Connect clusters.
Key | Description | Type | Default |
lenses.deployments.connect.status.interval | Time interval to fetch ConnectAPI looking for new updates on running Connectors. It can be expressed like 30 second, 2 minute or 3 hour, mind the time unit is singular | duration | 30.second |
lenses.deployments.connect.actions.buffer.size | Buffer size for events produced by user actions when interacting when Connect | int | 1000 |
Kubernetes connectivity is optional. Minimum supported K8 version 0.11.10. All settings are string.
Key | Description | Default |
lenses.kubernetes.processor.image.name | The url for the streaming SQL docker for K8 | lensesioextra/sql-processor |
lenses.kubernetes.processor.image.tag | The version/tag of the above container | 5.0 |
lenses.kubernetes.config.file | The path for the kubectrl config file | /home/lenses/.kube/config |
lenses.kubernetes.pull.policy | Pull policy for K8 containers: IfNotPresent or Always | IfNotPresent |
lenses.kubernetes.service.account | The service account for deployments. Will also pull the image | default |
lenses.kubernetes.init.container.image.name | The docker/container repository url and name of the Init Container image used to deploy applications to Kubernetes | lensesio/lenses-cli |
lenses.kubernetes.init.container.image.tag | The tag of the Init Container image used to deploy applications to Kubernetes | 5.0.0 |
lenses.kubernetes.watch.reconnect.limit | How many times to reconnect to Kubernetes Watcher before considering the cluster unavailable | 10 |
lenses.kubernetes.watch.reconnect.interval | How often to wait between Kubernetes Watcher reconnection attempts expressed in milliseconds | 5000 |
lenses.kubernetes.websocket.timeout | How long to wait for a Kubernetes Websocket response expressed in milliseconds | 15000 |
lenses.kubernetes.websocket.ping.interval | How often to ping Kubernetes Websocket to check it’s alive expressed in milliseconds | 30000 |
lenses.kubernetes.pod.heap | The max amount of memory the underlying Java process will use | 900M |
lenses.kubernetes.pod.min.heap | The initial amount of memory the underlying Java process will allocate | 128M |
lenses.kubernetes.pod.mem.request | The value will control how much memory resource the Pod Container will request | 128M |
lenses.kubernetes.pod.mem.limit | The value will control the Pod Container memory limit | 1152M |
lenses.kubernetes.pod.cpu.request | The value will control how much cpu resource the Pod Container will request | null |
lenses.kubernetes.pod.cpu.limit | The value will control the Pod Container cpu limit | null |
lenses.kubernetes.namespaces | Object setting a list of Kubernetes namespaces that Lenses will see for each of the specified and configured cluster | null |
lenses.kubernetes.pod.liveness.initial.delay | Amount of time Kubernetes will wait to check Processor’s health for the first time. It can be expressed like 30 second, 2 minute or 3 hour, mind the time unit is singular | 60 second |
lenses.deployments.events.buffer.size | Buffer size for events coming from Deployment targets such as Kubernetes | 10000 |
lenses.deployments.errors.buffer.size | Buffer size for errors happening on the communication between Lenses and the Deployment targets such as Kubernetes | 1000 |
lenses.kubernetes.config.reload.interval | Time interval to reload the Kubernetes configuration file. Expressed in milliseconds. | 30000 |