Reference documentation of all configuration and authentication options:
Key | Description | Default | Type | Required |
lenses.ip | Bind HTTP at the given endpoint. Use in conjunction with lenses.port | | string | no |
lenses.port | The HTTP port to listen for API, UI and WS calls | 9991 | int | no |
lenses.jmx.port | Bind JMX port to enable monitoring Lenses | int | no | |
lenses.secret.file | The full path to security.conf for security credentials | security.conf | string | no |
lenses.sql.execution.mode | Streaming SQL mode IN_PROC , KUBERNETES or CONNECT | IN_PROC | string | no |
lenses.offset.workers | Number of workers to monitor topic offsets | 5 | int | no |
lenses.telemetry.enable | Enable telemetry data collection | true | boolean | no |
lenses.kafka.control.topics | An array of topics to be treated as “system topics” | list | array | no |
lenses.grafana | Add your Grafana url i.e. http://grafanahost:port | string | no | |
lenses.api.response.cache.enable | If enabled, it disables client cache on the Lenses API HTTP responses by adding these HTTP Headers: Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate , Pragma: no-cache , and Expires: -1 . | false | boolean | no |
List of default system topics
System or control topics are created by services for their internal use. Below is the list of built-in configuration to identify them.
Wildcard (*) is used to match any name in the path to capture a list of topics not just one. When the wildcard is not specified, Lenses matches on the entry name provided.