Lenses Setup Wizard
Basic information
Lenses Setup Wizard improves users first touch experience through a guided installation wizard.
When do I land to the Lenses Setup Wizard?
Lenses Wizard appears when we have a running Lenses instance with no configured Kafka Brokers.
What wizard Steps are mandatory?
There are 3 mandatory steps:
- Kafka brokers
- License
- Finish.
In the Last step we validate the configuration details and if no issues found full lenses experience is available.
Can I stop the wizard and continue another time?
The user inputted information remains to the wizard as long as the browser tab remains open. Lenses does not store any information till the wizard is finished.
I finished wizard by skipping Broker Metrics step. Can I add metrics later?
When wizard is finished a user can visit Admin -> Connections -> Kafka page and amend the Broker Metrics information. The changes apply on save and no reboot of Lenses is needed