Supported Functions¶
Out of the box, the engine packs a large collection of functions the user can utilize. The engine has been written to be extended. A user can provide his own function(s). Please follow the User Defined Functions chapter for understanding how to enrich the existing functions set.
Name | Description | Usage |
ANONYMIZE | Obfuscates the data, in order to protect it. If the anonymized
value is not provided it will use
* for String and 0 for Numbers |
anonymize(expression [,Anonymized value]) |
CAST | Enables conversion of values from one data type to another | cast(dt as int) |
COALESCE | Returns the first non-null expression in the expression list.
You must specify two expressions
coalesce(value, prevValue) |
CONCAT | Returns the string representation of concatenating each
expression in the list. Null fields are left out
concatenate(weather.main, 'fixed', dt,temp.eve) |
CONCATENATE | An alias for concat.
concatenate(weather.main, 'fixed', dt,temp.eve) |
LEN | Returns the length of a string. LEN calculates length
using characters as defined by UTF-16
len(name) |
POSITION | Return the position of the first occurrence of substring | position('math' in fieldA) |
REPLACE | Returns string with every occurrence of
search_string replaced with
replacement_string |
replace(fieldA, 'math', 'mathematics') |
SUBSTRING | Return a portion of the string, beginning at the given position | substring(field, 2) |
CONTAINS | Return true if an expression contains the given substring | contains(field1, field2) |
STARTSWITH | Return true if an expression starts with the given substring | startswith(field1, field2) |
ENDSWITH | Return true if an expression ends with the given substring | endswith(field1, field2) |
TRIM | Removes leading and trailing spaces from the input expression | trim(expression) |
CHOP | Returns the last character from an expression of type string | chop(expression) |
UNIX_TIMESTAMP | Converts the given date into the timestamp as a long | unix_timestamp(field) |
DELETEWHITESPACE | Removes all whitespace from an expression of type string | deletewhitespace(expression) |
LOWER | Returns the expression in lowercase | lower(expression) |
UPPER | Returns the expression in uppercase | upper(expression) |
LOWERCASE | An alias for lower | lowercase(expression) |
UPPERCASE | An alias for upper | uppercase(expression) |
TAKELEFT | Returns the left most ‘length’ characters from a string expression | takeleft(expression, length) |
TAKERIGHT | Returns the right most ‘length’ characters from a string expression | takeright(expression, length) |
DROPLEFT | Removes the left most ‘length’ characters from a string expression | dropleft(expression, length) |
DROPRIGHT | Removes the left most ‘length’ characters from a string expression | dropright(expression, length) |
DUMP | Show the internal representation of a value | dump(expression) |
SIZEOF | Returns the number of elements in an array of object | sizeof(expression) |
DIGITS | Retains only the digits from a string expression | digits(expression) |
TYPEOF | Returns the object type of a complex expression. This can only be used when
the format on the wire includes the details of the
objects full name.
typeof(expression) |
CAPITALIZE | Capitalizes the first letter of the expression | capitalize(expression) |
CAMELCASE | Uncapitalizes the first letter of the expression | camelcase(expression) |
TRUNCATE | Truncates the expression by removing whitespace from the beginning and end | truncate(expression) |
ABBREVIATE | Abbreviates the expression to the given length and appends ellipses | abbreviate(expression, length) |
DISTANCE | Calculate the distance between two points using the haversine method | distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) |
INDEXOF | Returns the index of a substring in an expression | abbreviate(expression, substring) |
RADIANS | Converts the input expression to radians | radians(expression) |
DEGREES | Converts the input expression to degrees | degrees(expression) |
SIN | Returns the trigonometric sine of an expression | sin(expression) |
COS | Returns the trigonometric cosine of an expression | cos(expression) |
TAN | Returns the trigonometric tangent of an expression | tan(expression) |
ASIN | Returns the trigonometric arc sine of an expression | asin(expression) |
ACOS | Returns the trigonometric arc cosine of an expression | acos(expression) |
ATAN | Returns the trigonometric arc tangent of an expression | atan(expression) |
SINH | Returns the hyperbolic sine of an expression | sinh(expression) |
COSH | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of an expression | cosh(expression) |
TANH | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an expression | tanh(expression) |
STRIPACCENTS | Removes diacritics (approximately the same as accents)
from an expression. The case will not be altered.
stripaccents(field1) |
UUID | Returns an universally unique identifier | uuid() |
RANDINT | Returns a random integer | randint() |
SWAPCASE | Swaps the case of a string expression | swapcase() |
ABS | Returns the absolute value of an
expression it has to evaluate to a number type
abs(field1 + field2) |
NEG | Returns the negative value of an
expression it has to evaluate to a number type
neg(field1) |
SIGN | Returns +1 if a value is positive or -1 if a value is negative
it has to evaluate to a number type
sign(field1) |
ROUND | Returns the closest integer of an
expression , with tiesrounding towards positive infinity. it has to evaluate
to a number type
round(field1) |
CEIL | Returns the absolute value of an
expression it has to evaluate to a number type
ceil(field1) |
FLOOR | Return the largest value not greater than the argument | floor(field1) |
‘%’ | The remainder operator (%) computes the remainder after
dividing its first operand by its second. Each expression has
to evaluate to a number
a % b |
‘/’ | Divides one number by another (an arithmetic operator)
Each expression has to evaluate to a number
a / b |
‘-‘ | Subtracts one number from another (an arithmetic operator)
Each expression has to evaluate to a number
a - b |
‘*’ | Multiplies one number from another (an arithmetic operator)
Each expression has to evaluate to a number
a * b |
‘+’ | Adds one number to another (an arithmetic operator)
Each expression has to evaluate to a number
a + b |
‘-‘ (negative) | Returns the negative of the value of a numeric expression
(a unary operator). The expression has to evaluate to a number
a * b |
POW | Returns expression1 raised to the expression2 power.
Each expression has to evaluate to a number
pow(a, b) |
SQRT | Returns the square root of expression.
The expression has to evaluate to a number
sqrt(a) |
CBRT | Returns the cube root of expression.
The expression has to evaluate to a number
cbrt(a) |
COUNT | Returns the number of records read
ONLY FOR STREAMING when grouping is involved |
SELECT count(*) |
MAX | Returns maximum value of expression.
ONLY FOR STREAMING when grouping is involved |
max(field1) |
MIN | Returns minimum value of expression.
ONLY FOR STREAMING when grouping is involved |
min(field1) |
SUM | Returns the sum of expression for each record read.
ONLY FOR STREAMING when grouping is involved |
sum(field1) |
IF | Evaluates the boolean result for condition. If true it will
return the value of expr1; otherwise, it evaluates and
returns the value of expr2
if(condition, expr1,expr2) |
LPAD | Prepends the value of padExpr to the value of strExpr
until the total length is lengthExpr
LPAD(strExpr, lengthExpr, padExpr) |
RPAD | Appends the value of padExpr to the value of strExpr
until the total length is lengthExpr
LPAD(strExpr, lengthExpr, padExpr) |
EPOCH_TO_DATETIME | Converts an epoch into a datetime
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ strExpr needs to be a LONG value containing the
milliseconds since 1 January 1970 00:00:00)
EPOCH_TO_DATE | Converts an epoch into a date
yyyy-MM-dd The strExpr needs to resolve to INT/LONG value. If the
value is an INT it is expected to be the day represented
as days since epoch
EPOCH_TO_DATE(strExpr) |
Converts a string representation of a datetime into epoch value.
The first parameter strExpr needs to be a STRING value.
The second parameter pattern must be a DateTime Format
FROM_DATETIME(strExpr, pattern) |
Converts a string representation of a date into epoch value.
The first parameter strExpr needs to
resolve to a STRING value. The second parameter pattern,
must be a Date Format
DATE_TO_EPOCH(strExpr, pattern) |
CONVERT_TIME | Converts the string format of a date [and time]. The first
parameter strExpr needs be a STRING value. The second
parameter fromPattern is the incoming date[and time] format.
The last parameter represents the target date[and time] format.
CONVERT_TIME(strExpr, fromPattern, toPattern) |
Provides the current ISO date value
Provides the current ISO date and time.
YESTERDAY | Returns the current date time minus 1 day | yesterday() |
TOMORROW | Returns the current date time plus 1 day | tomorrow() |
NEXTWEEK | Return the current date time plus 1 week | nextweek() |
LASTWEEK | Return the current date time minus 1 week | lastweek() |
NEXTMONTH | Return the current date time plus 1 month | nextmonth() |
LASTMONTH | Return the current date time minus 1 month | lastmonth() |
DAY | Extracts the day component of an expression that is of type timestamp | day(expression) |
HOUR | Extracts the hour component of an expression that is of type timestamp | hour(expression) |
MINUTE | Extracts the minute component of an expression that is of type timestamp | minute(expression) |
SECOND | Extracts the second component of an expression that is of type timestamp | second(expression) |
MONTH | Extracts the month component of an expression that is of type timestamp | month(expression) |
YEAR | Extracts the year component of an expression that is of type timestamp | year(expression) |
ARRAY_SIZE | Returns the count of elements contained by the parameter.
It is expected the parameter, evaluates to
an array structure.
REGEXP | Returns the matched groups otherwise null.
Consider this regular expression
(Mr|Mrs|Ms) ([A-Z][a-z]+) ([A-Z][a-z]+) and this input
Ms Jane Smith ; the return values are:["Ms Jane Smith", "Ms", "Jane", "Smith"] . |
REGEXP_LIKE | Returns true if the input value matches the expression
otherwise false.
REGEXP_REPLACE | Replace the matched text with the provided value.
If there’s no match the input will
remain the same.
EXISTS | Returns true if the given field is present;
false otherwise.
HEADERASSTRING | Returns the value of the record header key as
a STRING value.
HEADERASINT | Returns the value of the record header key as
an INT value.
HEADERASLONG | Returns the value of the record header key as
a LONG value.
HEADERASDOUBLE | Returns the value of the record header key as
a DOUBLE value.
HEADERASFLOAT | Returns the value of the record header key as a FLOAT value.
HEADERKEYS | Returns all the header keys for the current record.
BASE64 | Returns the input string using base64 algorithm.
DECODE64 | Decodes a Base64 encrypted string.