Alert IdentifiersΒΆ
Alerts are divided into two categories:
- These are out of the box alerts that can be toggled on and offConsumer group
- These are user-defined alerts on consumer groups
Alert notifications are the result of an Alert Setting Condition being met on an Alert Setting.
Alert Identifier | Description |
1 | License is invalid |
Alert Identifier | Description |
1000 | Kafka Broker is down |
1001 | Zookeeper Node is down |
1002 | Connect Worker is down |
1003 | Schema Registry is down |
1004 | Alert Manager is down |
1005 | Under replicated partitions |
1006 | Partitions offline |
1007 | Active Controllers |
1008 | Multiple Broker Versions |
1009 | File-open descriptors high capacity on Brokers |
1010 | Average % the request handler is idle |
1011 | Fetch requests failure |
1012 | Produce requests failure |
1013 | Broker disk usage is lower than the average of the cluster |
1014 | Leader Imbalance |
Alert Identifier | Description |
2000 | Consumer Lag exceeded |
Alert Identifier | Description |
3000 | Connector deleted |
Alert Identifier | Description |
4000 | Topic has been created |
4001 | Topic has been deleted |
4002 | Topic data has been deleted |