Lenses CLI

Lenses offers a powerful CLI (command line tool) built in Go that utilizes the REST and WebSocket APIs of Lenses to communicate with Apache Kafka and exposes a straightforward way to perform common data engineering and site reliability engineering tasks such as the following:

  • Automate your CI/CD (continuous-integration and continuous-delivery).
  • Create topics/acls/quotas/schemas/processors/connectors/policies/alerts/alert-settings.
  • Deploy and manage SQL processors in all modes, including deployment to Kubernetes.
  • Deploy and manage Connectors.
  • Run SQL queries on Apache Kafka both browsing and continuous live queries.
  • Change or retrieve configurations to store in GitHub.


Binaries are available for download:

Linux (2.3) MacOS (2.3) Windows (2.3)

Or you can use the Go go get command:

$ go get -u github.com/lensesio/lenses-go/cmd/lenses-cli


The new release contains various fixes, table view for a more user-friendly environment, improved end-user messages on CRUD commands and failures and new commands that let you work with the latest Lenses 2.1 version. View all changes from the previous CLI release (for developers)

Getting started

The lenses-cli application has a very straightforward way to setup an authenticated user for Lenses communication, including kerberos authentication.

The configure command will guide you through the process.

$ lenses-cli configure

The given data will be saved in ~/.lenses/lenses-cli.yml. Depending on the configuration, this file will look similar to the following:

CurrentContext: master
    Host: http://lenseshost:9991
      Username: user
      Password: password_encoded
    Host: https://lenseshost:9991:443
    Insecure: true
    Debug: true
      ConfFile: /etc/krb5.conf
        Username: user
        Password: password_encoded
        Realm: mydomain.realm


Older configuration formats are still compatible.

Now you are ready to move on with firing some commands like lenses-cli processors to list all available SQL processors.

You can still pass the credentials and host via the command line flags. They take precedence over the data in the configuration file. Alternatively, you can supply a different configuration file with the --config flag as follows:

lenses-cli --config config.yaml processors

The following precedence is used:

  1. Individual flags, host, user and pass.
  2. Config file flag.
  3. Config file in $HOME/.lenses/.


You can reset existing config contexts through configure --context=existingContext --reset command.

Passing credentials through flags

You can always individually configure and log in on the fly for a single command. This is very helpful when you use multi accounts:

$ lenses-cli --host="http://lenseshost:9991" --user="user" --pass="password" $command

All kerberos authentication methods are supported (password, keytab or from ccache):

$ lenses-cli --host="https://lenseshost:9991" --insecure --timeout=30s --kerberos-conf="/etc/krb5.conf" [--kerberos-realm="domain.realm"] [--kerberos-keytab="/tmp/krb5.keytab"] [--kerberos-ccache="/tmp/krb5-ccache.txt"] [--user="kerberosUsername"] [--password="kerberosPassword"] $command

Configuration Contexts

Lenses CLI is an application with environmental awareness. It accepts multi-environment configuration structure, each environment is known as “Context”, when no credentials flags are present then the “Current Context” is being used.

Create a new configuration for an environment:

$ lenses-cli context set newContextName

Reset an existing Context:

$ lenses-cli configure --context=existingContext --reset

Switch between Contexts:

$ lenses-cli context use existingContext

View and verify the current Context:

$ lenses-cli context

View all available Contexts:

$ lenses-cli contexts


This command includes validation messages for each context’s configuration between its credentials and its particular lenses box (Host).

Getting help

Each command has a --help flag that will show you the available flags and a simple input example for the specific command.

For example, if we do lenses-cli --help, we will see the available (sub)commands and the global flags of the entire lenses-cli application:

Lenses-cli is the command line client for the Lenses REST API.

lenses-cli [command]

acl -h

Available Commands:
acl         Manage Access Control List
acls        Print the list of the available Kafka Access Control Lists
alert       Manage alerts
alerts      Print the registered alerts
audits      List the last buffered audit entries
configs     Print the whole lenses box configs
configure   Setup your environment for extensive CLI use. Create and save the required CLI configuration and client credentials
connector   Get information about a particular connector based on its name
connectors  List of active connectors' names
context     Print the current context or modify or delete a configuration context using the update and delete subcommands
contexts    Print and validate (through calls to the servers) all the available contexts from the configuration file
export      export a landscape
help        Help about any command
import      import a landscape
init-repo   Initialise a git repo to hold a landscape
license     Print the license information for the connected lenses box
logs        List the info or metrics logs
mode        Print the configuration's execution mode
policies    List all policies
policy      Manage a policy
processor   Manage a processor based on the processor id; pause, resume, update runners, delete or create a new processor
processors  List of all available processors
quota       Manage a quota, create a new quota or update and delete an existing one
quotas      List of all available quotas
schema      Manage particular schema based on its name, get a schema based on the ID or register a new one
schemas     List all available schemas
shell       shell
sql         sql queries, either browsing for continuous (live-stream)
topic       Manage particular topic based on the topic name, retrieve it or create a new one
topics      List all available topics
user        List information about the authenticated logged user such as the given roles given by the lenses administrator or manage the user's profile
version     Print the current version of lenses-cli

    --config string            Load or save the host, user, pass and debug fields from or to a configuration file (yaml or json)
    --context string           Load specific environment, embedded configuration based on the configuration's 'Contexts'
    --debug                    Print some information that are necessary for debugging
    --header-bgcolor string    Table headers background gcolor=white
    --header-fgcolor string    Table headers forground gcolor=black
-h, --help                     help for lenses-cli
    --host string              Lenses host
    --insecure                 All insecure http requests
    --kerberos-ccache string   Kerberos keytab file
    --kerberos-conf string     krb5.conf
    --kerberos-keytab string   KeyTab file
    --kerberos-realm string    Kerberos realm
    --output string            TABLE, JSON or YAML results and hide all the info messages (default "table")
    --pass string              Password
    --timeout string           Timeout for the connection establishment
    --token string             Lenses auth token
    --user string              User
    --version                  version for lenses-cli

Use "lenses-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Use "lenses-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Another example is lenses-cli processors --help. Its output looks similar to the following:

List of all available processors

lenses-cli processors [flags]
lenses-cli processors [command]


Available Commands:
logs        Retrieve SQL Processor logs. Available only in KUBERNETES execution mode

    --cluster-name string   Select by cluster name, available only in CONNECT and KUBERNETES mode
-h, --help                 help for processors
    --name string          Select by processor name, available only in CONNECT and KUBERNETES mode
    --namespace string     Select by namespace, available only in KUBERNETES mode
    --pretty               Enable the pretty format for JSON output of commands (default false).
-q, --query string         Jmespath query expression. This allows for querying the JSON output of commands

Global Flags:
    --config string            Load or save the host, user, pass and debug fields from or to a configuration file (yaml or json)
    --context string           Load specific environment, embedded configuration based on the configuration's 'Contexts'
    --debug                    Print some information that are necessary for debugging
    --header-bgcolor string    Table headers background gcolor=white
    --header-fgcolor string    Table headers forground gcolor=black
    --host string              Lenses host
    --insecure                 All insecure http requests
    --kerberos-ccache string   Kerberos keytab file
    --kerberos-conf string     krb5.conf
    --kerberos-keytab string   KeyTab file
    --kerberos-realm string    Kerberos realm
    --output string            TABLE, JSON or YAML results and hide all the info messages (default "table")
    --pass string              Password
    --timeout string           Timeout for the connection establishment
    --token string             Lenses auth token
    --user string              User

Use "lenses-cli processors [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Use the -h flag on each subcommand to see the available options.

The –output flag

The --output flag, which controls the form/view of the output, can be accessed by the majority of the available commands.

The value of output can be Table, YAML or JSON. By default the results of a command are printed as a table.

Additionally, when the --output flag is set to JSON, two more optional flags are available for use named --pretty and --query. These flags can be passed to all commands that fetch and return JSON-formatted results.

    enable the pretty format for JSON output of commands (default false).
    a jmespath query expression. This allows for querying the JSON output of commands.
    For more details view the `JMESPATH <http://jmespath.org/>`__ documentation.

Access Control Lists

Allows view and create, update and delete operations on Apache Kafka topic ACLs.

View ACLs

View all ACLs

$ lenses-cli acls --output json
    "resourceType": "Topic",
    "resourceName": "transactions",
    "principal": "principalType:principalName",
    "permissionType": "Allow",
    "host": "*",
    "operation": "Read"
Set/Update ACLs

Modify and create ACLs

$ lenses-cli acl set \
    --resource-type="Topic" \
    --resource-name="transactions" \
    --principal="principalType:principalName" \
    --permission-type="Allow" \
    --acl-host="*" \

ACLs can also be created from a file:

$ lenses-cli acl create ./file.yaml
Delete ACLs

Delete ACLs

$ lenses-cli acl delete \
    --resource-type="Topic" \
    --resource-name="transactions" \
    --principal="principalType:principalName" \
    --permission-type="Allow" \
    --acl-host="*" \

ACLs can also be deleted from a file:

$ lenses-cli acl delete ./file.yaml


resourceType: Topic
resourceName: transactions
principal: principalType:principalName
permissionType: Allow
host: "*"
operation: Read


Command line flags are ignored when loading from files.


View all available alerts or modify and delete alert settings.

View all available Alerts:

$ lenses-cli alerts [--live]


The --live flag, which is optional, displays real-time alert notifications.

View all Alert Settings:

$ lenses-cli alert settings

View an Alert Setting:

$ lenses-cli alert setting --id=2000 --output json
    "id": 2000,
    "description": "Consumer Lag exceeded",
    "category": "Consumers",
    "enabled": true,
    "docs": "Raises an alert when the consumer lag exceeds the threshold",
    "conditionTemplate": "lag >= $Threshold-Number on group $Consumer-Group and topic $Topic-Name",
    "conditionRegex": "lag >= ([1-9][0-9]*) on group (\\b\\S+\\b) and topic (\\b\\S+\\b)",
    "conditions": {
        "28bbad2b-69bb-4c01-8e37-28e2e7083aa9": "lag >= 100000 on group group and topic topicA",
        "4318a5a7-32e4-43af-9f3f-438e64d14a11": "lag >= 1000000 on group consumerA and topic topicA",
        "92dd89a1-83c0-4251-8610-36fce780a824": "lag >= 1000000 on group minikube.default.london-keyword-count and topic reddit_posts",
        "bdb01792-b79f-44d0-a39e-7f3e0906a89b": "lag >= 100000 on group connect-nullsink and topic topicA",
        "f4dd550f-bcb6-4e02-b28b-18bbd426aaf2": "lag >= 100000 on group groupA and topic topicA"
    "isAvailable": true

Enable an Alert Setting:

$ lenses-cli alert setting --id=1000 --enable

View all conditions that belong to a specific Alert Setting:

$ lenses-cli alert setting conditions --alert=2000 --output json
    "28bbad2b-69bb-4c01-8e37-28e2e7083aa9": "lag >= 100000 on group group and topic topicA",
    "4318a5a7-32e4-43af-9f3f-438e64d14a11": "lag >= 1000000 on group consumerA and topic topicA",
    "7643d1ec-73f9-4913-95d1-87e62f1ec172": "lag >= 200000 on group groupA and topic topicA",
    "92dd89a1-83c0-4251-8610-36fce780a824": "lag >= 1000000 on group minikube.default.london-keyword-count and topic reddit_posts",
    "bdb01792-b79f-44d0-a39e-7f3e0906a89b": "lag >= 100000 on group connect-nullsink and topic topicA",
    "f4dd550f-bcb6-4e02-b28b-18bbd426aaf2": "lag >= 100000 on group groupA and topic topicA"

Create or update an existing condition for a specific Alert Setting:

$ lenses-cli alert setting condition set \
--alert=2000 \
--condition="lag >= 200000 on group groupA and topic topicA"

Update condition from a file:

$ lenses-cli alert setting condition set ./alert_cond.yaml


alert: 2000
condition: >
  lag >= 200000 on group groupA and topic topicA


Command line flags are ignored when loading from files

Delete an existing condition for a specific Alert Setting:

$ lenses-cli alert setting condition delete \
--alert=2000 \


The value of the --alert flag is the Alert ID that the alert setting belongs to whereas the value of the --condition flag is the UUID of the condition to delete.


View audits:

$ lenses-cli audits [--live] [--with-content]


The --live flag, which is optional, displays real-time audits. The --with-content flag includes the exact changes per action when table mode.

The below command will output all audits fields as JSON, like the rest of the commands that output a structured result:

$ lenses-cli audits --output json/table/yaml [--query] [--no-pretty]

Lenses Configuration

This command allows you to view the main configurations that Lenses exposes:

$ lenses-cli configs --output json # Or yaml

Example output:


"lenses.ip": "",
"lenses.jmx.port": 24027,
"lenses.kafka.brokers": "SASL_PLAINTEXT://kafka1:19094,SASL_PLAINTEXT://kafka2:19094",
"lenses.kubernetes.config.file": "",
"lenses.kubernetes.processor.image.name": "domain.com/lenses-image",
"lenses.kubernetes.processor.image.tag": "2.3",
"lenses.kubernetes.service.account": "default",
"lenses.license.file": "license.json",
"lenses.port": 24017,
"lenses.root.path": "",
"lenses.security.mode": "BASIC",
"lenses.sql.execution.mode": "KUBERNETES",


To see the SQL processors deployment mode, you can inspect the lenses.sql.execution.mode. For example, in CONNECT mode a cluster name is required and for KUBERNETES an additional namespace is required to deploy processors.

$ lenses-cli mode

$ lenses-cli configs mode
Get single entry config

Returns an individual config setting.

$ lenses-cli configs lenses.port


Create, modify, pause, restart and remove Apache Kafka Connect connectors.

View Connectors

List currently deployed connectors, optionally filter by name, cluster and namespace:

# list connectors in the cluster dev
$ lenses-cli connectors --cluster-name="dev" [--output json/table/yaml [--query] [--no-pretty]] [--names [--unwrap]]


The --names flag displays only the names of the connectors. When used with --unwrap, it will print each connector name on a separate line in the output.

List all the supported Kafka Connectors instead of the currently deployed:

$ lenses-cli connectors --supported

View the available plugins per cluster or filter by cluster:

lenses-cli connectors plugins --cluster-name="dev"

Create connectors via the command line flags or file:

$ lenses-cli connector create --cluster-name="dev" --name="connectorName" --configs="{\"key\": \"value\"}"

From a file:

$ lenses-cli connector create ./connector.yaml


clusterName: development
  connector.class: "org.apache.kafka.connect.file.FileStreamSinkConnector"
  file: "/dev/null"
  tasks.max: "1"
  topics: "reddit_posts"
  name: "nullsink"


Command line flags are ignored when loading from files.


View the configuration of a connector:

$ lenses-cli connector config --cluster-name="dev" --name="connectorName"

View the status of a connector:

$ lenses-cli connector status --cluster-name="dev" --name="connectorName"

Pause a connector:

$ lenses-cli connector pause --cluster-name="dev" --name="connectorName"

Resume a connector:

$ lenses-cli connector resume --cluster-name="dev" --name="connectorName"

Restart a connector:

$ lenses-cli connector restart --cluster-name="dev" --name="connectorName"
Restart a task

Restart a connector task:

$ lenses-cli connector task restart --task=0 --cluster-name="dev" --name="connectorName"
View tasks

View tasks for a connector:

$ lenses-cli connector tasks --cluster-name="dev" --name="connectorName"
Task status

View the status of a task for a connector:

$ lenses-cli connector task status --cluster-name="dev" --name="connectorName" --task=1

Delete a connector:

$ lenses-cli connector delete --cluster-name="dev" --name="connectorName"


The CLI allows you to export all resources in Lenses as requests so that they can be version controlled and imported into another environment.

Export operations are performed on a per resource basis, the directory structure is defined by the cli whereas a base directory can be provided using the --dir flag.

Processors, connectors, topics and schemas have an additional prefix flag to restrict resources to export.

lenses-cli export acls --dir my-dir
lenses-cli export alert-settings --dir my-dir
lenses-cli export connectors --dir my-dir
lenses-cli export processors --dir my-dir
lenses-cli export quota --dir my-dir
lenses-cli export schemas --dir my-dir
lenses-cli export topics --dir my-dir
lenses-cli export policies --dir my-dir

The directory structure is as follows:

<directory from flag>
├── alert-settings
│   └── alert-setting.yaml
├── apps
│   ├── connectors
│   │   ├── connector-1.yaml
│   │   └── connector-2.yaml
│   └── sql
├── kafka
│   ├── quotas
│   │   └── quotas.yaml
│   └── topics
│       ├── topic-1.yaml
│       └── topic-2.yaml
├── policies
│   └── policies-city.yaml
└── schemas
    ├── schema-1.yaml
    └── schema-2.yaml


The CLI allows you to import resources from files in Lenses into another environment.

Import is done on a per resource basis, the directory structure defined by the cli whereas a base directory can be provided by the --dir flag.

Processors, connectors, topics and schemas have an additional prefix flag to restrict resources to export.

lenses-cli import acls --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import alert-settings --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import connectors --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import processors --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import quota --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import schemas --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import topics --dir my-dir
lenses-cli import policies --dir my-dir

The directory structure is as follows:

<directory from flag>
├── alert-settings
│   └── alert-setting.yaml
├── apps
│   ├── connectors
│   │   ├── connector-1.yaml
│   │   └── connector-2.yaml
│   └── sql
├── kafka
│   ├── quotas
│   │   └── quotas.yaml
│   └── topics
│       ├── topic-1.yaml
│       └── topic-2.yaml
├── policies
│   └── policies-city.yaml
└── schemas
    ├── schema-1.yaml
    └── schema-2.yaml

Interactive Shell

The interactive shell allows you to have an interactive experience and issue Lenses SQL queries from the command line.

To start the interactive shell, issue the following command:

lenses-cli shell

The available options are the following:

  • keys print message keys
  • keys-only print the keys only, not the value of the message
  • meta print the message metadata, partition number and offsets
  • stats print query statistics as the last message
  • pretty pretty print the JSON output
  • live-stream run in continuous query mode
  • !options prints the current options

Options are set using the ! prefix.

Queries are executed by ;, multiline queries are possible but not available in the history inside the shell. After a restart, the multiline queries are concatenated into one line and can be selected.

Query history is stored in .lenes/history in the home directory of the user.

    __                                 ________    ____
   / /   ___  ____  ________  _____   / ____/ /   /  _/
  / /   / _ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ ___/  / /   / /    / /
 / /___/  __/ / / (__  )  __(__  )  / /___/ /____/ /
/_____/\___/_/ /_/____/\___/____/   \____/_____/___/
Docs at https://docs.lenses.io
Connected to [https://master.lenses.io:443] as [andrew], context [master]
Use "!" to set output options [!keys|!keysOnly|!stats|!meta|!pretty]
Crtl+D to exit



View INFO logs

$ lenses-cli logs # or lenses-cli logs info.

View METRICS logs

$ lenses-cli logs metrics


The --output flag will not result in a different output here because the logs are displayed as simple (colorful) text.

Data Policies

View data policies

$ lenses-cli policies

View a specific policy

$ lenses-cli policy view --name my-policy

Create a policy

Fields are set by suppling a comma separated string to the field flag.

$ lenses-cli policy create --name my-policy --category my-category --impact HIGH --redaction First-1 --fields f1,f2,f3

# from file
$ lenses-cli policy create --field f1,f2,f3 ./policy.yaml

$ cat policy.yaml
  name: my-policy
  category: my-category
  impactType: HIGH
  obfuscation: First-1

Update a policy

Fields are set by suppling a comma separated string to the field flag.

$ lenses-cli policy update --id my-policy-id --name my-policy --category my-category --impact HIGH --redaction First-1 --fields f1,f2,f3

Delete a policy

$ lenses-cli policy delete --id my-policy-id


The CLI can deploy and manage SQL processors deploy IN_PROC in Lenses or into Apache Kafka Connect or Kubernetes via Lenses.

View processors

View all processors registered, optionally filter by name, cluster and namespace.

$ lenses-cli processors
# filter by namespace
$ lenses-cli processors --namespace lenses-sql

# use the query flag to add further querying
$ lenses-cli processors --output table --query="[?ClusterName == 'IN_PROC'].Name | sort(@) | {Processor_Names_IN_PROC: join(', ', @)}"
Create processors

Create processors from the command line flags or from a file. For IN_PROC mode you only need the name, for CONNECT mode the name and cluster, for KUBERNETES mode all three:

The following flags are valid for all processor actions

  • –id (required if –name) is missing
  • –name (required if –id is missing)
  • –cluster-name (should be passed if KUBERNETES mode)
  • –namespace (should be passed if KUBERNETES mode)
$ lenses-cli processor create \
    --name="processorName" \
    --runners=1 \
    --cluster-name="clusterName" \
    --namespace="ns" \
    --pipeline="prod" \
    --sql="SET autocreate=true;INSERT INTO topicB SELECT * FROM topic1"

From a file:

$ lenses-cli processor create ./processor.yaml


name: processorName
runners: 1
sql: >
  SET autocreate=true;INSERT INTO topicB SELECT * FROM topic1


Command line flags are ignored when loading from files

Pause a processor

Pause a running processor. For IN_PROC mode you only need the name, for CONNECT mode the name and cluster, for KUBERNETES mode all three:

$ lenses-cli processor pause --cluster-name="clusterName?" --namespace="namespace?" --name="processorName"
Resume a processor

Resume a paused processor. For IN_PROC mode you only need the name, for CONNECT mode the name and cluster, for KUBERNETES mode all three:

$ lenses-cli processor resume --cluster-name="clusterName?" --namespace="namespace?" --name="processorName"
Update a processor

Update a processor from the command line flags or file. For IN_PROC mode you only need the name, for CONNECT mode the name and cluster, for KUBERNETES mode all three:

$ lenses-cli processor update \
    --cluster-name="clusterName?" \
    --namespace="namespace" \
    --name="processorName" \

From a file:

$ lenses-cli processor update ./processor.yaml


name: processorName
runners: 1
sql: >
  SET autocreate=true;INSERT INTO topicB SELECT * FROM topic1


You can not update the SQL, only the runners to scale up or down

Delete a processor

Delete a processor by name, cluster and namespace. For IN_PROC mode you only need the name, for CONNECT mode the name and cluster, for KUBERNETES mode all three.

$ lenses-cli processor delete \
    --namespace="namespace" \
    --cluster-name="clusterName" \
View processors logs

Available only in KUBERNETES execution mode.

$ lenses-cli processors logs --cluster-name=clusterName --namespace=nameSpace --podName=runnerStateID [--follow --lines=50]


The CLI allows you to browse and subscribe to topic data with SQL. Please refer to the Lenses SQL documentation for more details.

The data returned can be controlled via extra flags:

  • keys print message keys
  • keys-only print the keys only, not the value of the message
  • meta print the message metadata, partition number and offsets
  • stats print query statistics as the last message

Browse data via the sql command, optionally validate and output stats:

$ lenses-cli query --keys --meta "SELECT score, author FROM reddit_posts LIMIT 50"

# execute with stats every 2 seconds, show offsets at end
$ lenses-cli query --stats "SELECT score, author FROM reddit_posts LIMIT 50"

Live continuous queries update according to the query and never stop until terminated:

$ lenses-cli query --live-stream "SELECT score, author FROM reddit_posts WHERE _sample=2 AND _sampleWindow=200"


View, create, modify and delete quotas.

View quotas

View all quotas:

$ lenses-cli quotas [--output json/table/yaml]
Set quotas for users

Create and update quotas for users from command line flags or files:

$ lenses-cli quota users set [--quota-user="user"] [--quota-client=""] \
    --quota-config="{\"producer_byte_rate\": \"100000\",\"consumer_byte_rate\": \"200000\",\"request_percentage\": \"75\"}"

From a file:

$ lenses-cli quota users set ./quota.yaml


# User name for a specific user quota.
# If empty or omitted then create/update the default user quota.
user: user
# All clients, it could be empty as well.
# Change it for a specific client.
clientID: "*"
  ProducerByteRate: "100000"
  ConsumerByteRate: "200000"
  RequestPercentage: "75"
Set quotas for clients

Create and update quotas for clients from command line flags or files:

$ lenses-cli quota clients set [--quota-client=""] \
    --quota-config="{\"producer_byte_rate\": \"100000\",\"consumer_byte_rate\": \"200000\",\"request_percentage\": \"75\"}"

From a file:

$ lenses-cli quota clients set ./quota-clients.yaml


# Default client quota, it could be empty or "all" as well.
# Change it for a specific client quota.
clientID: "*"
  ProducerByteRate: "100000"
  ConsumerByteRate: "200000"
  RequestPercentage: "75"
Delete for users

Delete quotas for users:

# --quota-user, optional. If empty then default user quota, otherwise specific user quota.
# --quota-client, optional. If empty or * then all clients, otherwise specific client.
# arguments, like producer_byte_rate, are not required.
#   Remove user quota config's specific properties, if empty then all properties will be passed on automatically
#   and the user quota will be removed entirely.
$ lenses-cli quota users delete [--quota-client=""] [--quota-user=""] \
    producer_byte_rate consumer_byte_rate request_percentage
# delete for the default user quota
$ lenses-cli quota users delete

# delete for a specific user quota
$ lenses-cli quota users delete \

# delete for a specific user and client
$ lenses-cli quota users delete \
    --quota-user="user" \

# delete for a specific user quota's property
$ lenses-cli quota users delete \
    --quota-user="user" \
Delete for clients

Delete quotas for clients:

# --quota-client, optional. If empty then default client quota, otherwise specific client quota.
# arguments, like producer_byte_rate, are not required.
#   Remove client quota config's specific properties, if empty then all properties will be passed on automatically
#   and the client quota will be removed entirely.
$ lenses-cli quota clients delete [--quota-client=""] \
    producer_byte_rate consumer_byte_rate request_percentage
# delete for the default client quota
$ lenses-cli quota clients delete

# delete for a specific client quota
$ lenses-cli quota clients delete \

# delete for a specific client quota's property
$ lenses-cli quota clients delete \
    --quota-client="clientID" \


View, modify and delete schemas and adjust compatibility levels.

View all schemas

View the current schemas registered:

$ lenses-cli schemas --unwrap [--output json/table/yaml [--query] [--no-pretty]]


The --unwrap flag is optional, prints only the names separated by new line

View a schema

Schemas can be filtered by name:

$ lenses-cli schema --name="sea_vessel_position_reports-value"
View schema versions

Schemas versions can be viewed filtered by name:

$ lenses-cli schema versions --name="sea_vessel_position_reports-value"
# view by version
$ lenses-cli schema --name="sea_vessel_position_reports-value" --version="latest"
View schema compatibility levels

Schema compatibility levels can be viewed and filtered by name:

$ lenses-cli schema compatibility --name="register1
Delete schemas

Delete all versions of a schema by name:

$ lenses-cli schema delete --name="coyote_test_02"
Delete schemas by version

Delete a specific version of a schema:

# (defaults to "latest" if not passed)
$ lenses-cli schema delete-version --name="register1" --version=2
Change compatibility of a Schema

Change the compatibility level of a schema:

$ lenses-cli schema compatibility  set FULL --name="register1"
Register a schema

Register a new schema for a name/subject by the command line or file:

$ lenses-cli schema register \
    --name="schemaName" \
    --avro="{ \"type\": \"string\" }"

Register by file:

$ lenses-cli schema register ./schema.yaml


name: schemaName
avroSchema: |-
    "type": "record",
    "name": "evolution",
    "namespace": "com.landoop",
    "doc": "This is a sample AVRO schema to get you started. Please edxt",
    "fields": [
       "name": "name",
       "type": "string"
       "name": "number1",
       "type": "int"
       "name": "number2",
       "type": "float"


The secrets command looks up secrets stored in HashiCorp Vault (KV version 2), Azure KeyVault or the environment variable and creates either a text file to source from a shell such as bash or a set of external secret files for Apache Kafka Connect.

This command is intended to be used in an Kubernetes init-container. The files can be mounted in a shared location and the main container in the pod can either source the files to create environment variables or reference them as a set of external secret files for Apache Kafka Connect.

The command has two modes, app and connect. Secret names are sourced from environment variables prefixed with SECRET_. The value for the secrets is either looked up in HashiCorp Vault, Azure KeyVault or taken from the value of the environment variable.


App mode

The app mode sources secrets from environment variables and creates a file that can be sourced in a shell. For example if you have an environment variable of SECRET_MY_DATABASE_PASSORD=my-password the following will be written to a file called secrets.


App mode can optionally create JSON or YAML files by setting the --output flag. Optionally variables can be sourced from a file by using the --from-file flag.

--from-file string     File to variables load from instead of looking up as environment variables, separated by =
--output string        Output type, env for bash environment variables (source from secret-file), json or yaml (default "env")
--secret-file string   The secret file to write secrets to as key value pair (default "secrets")
Connect mode

Connect mode creates three files for use with Apache Kafka Connect external secrets.

  1. A connector.props file that contains the nonsensitive connector properties. Environment variables with the prefix CONNECTOR_ are lookup up and transformed to a Java properties format, lowercase and _ converted to -. The prefix is removed.

  2. A secret.props file that contains the sensitive connector properties. Environment variables with the prefix SECRET_ are lookup up and transformed to a Java properties format, lowercase and _ converted to -. The prefix is removed.

  3. A worker.props file that contains the the Apache Kafka Connect worker properties. Environment variables with the prefix CONNECT_ are lookup up and transformed to a Java properties format, lowercase and _ converted to -. The prefix is removed.

    The Connect workers must be set to use the external file config provider. The CLI will add this as follows:


The connector.props will contain a reference to the secret.props file and a key in the secret file to lookup the value, for example:

# connector.props

# secrets.props
connect.cassandra.password: secret

Optionally variables can be sourced from a file by using the --from-file flag.

--connector-file string   The connector file to write connector config to (default "connector.props")
--from-file string        File to variables load from instead of looking up as environment variables, separated by =
--secret-file string      The secret file to write secrets to (default "secrets.props")
--worker-file string      The connect worker file to connect worker config to (default "worker.props")

Secret Value Lookup

HashiCorp Vault

HashiCorp Vault KV backend is supported. Environment variables beginning with SECRET_ are translated to lowercase, with _ changed to -. The prefix is stripped from the variable name and used as a key to look up the secret under the path supplied as the environment variable values.

For example, if a secret was stored in Vault under secret/connectors/cassandra/connection1 with the key connect.cassandra.password and the value secret:

vault kv put secret/connectors/cassandra/connection1 connect-cassandra-password=secret

The CLI will look up the secret value if following environment variable is set:


Vault mode requires a Vault service account or Kubernetes token and an AppRole. Please see the Vault documentation for further instructions setting this up.

--vault-role string     Vault appRole name
--vault-addr string     Vault server address
--vault-token string    Vault or kubernetes JWT token

Flags can also be set as environment variables, VAULT_ADDR, VAULT_TOKEN and VAULT_ROLE. Environment variables take precedence over the command line options. See the Vault Client for the full list.


HashiCorp Vault KV version 2 default mount path includes data in the path.

Vault Example

In this example we will show how to export a secret from HashiCorp vault.

First let us configure vault by enabling the approle authentication, creating a policy and binding a new role to that policy.

# First, enable the ``approle`` authentication mechanism.
$ vault auth enable approle
  Success! Enabled approle auth method at: approle/

# Create our policy with name connectors
$ vault policy write connectors -<<EOF
  path "secret/data/lenses" {
    capabilities = ["read"]

  Success! Uploaded policy: connectors

# Create lenses approle and apply connectors policy to it
$ vault write auth/approle/role/lenses policies=connectors
  Success! Data written to: auth/approle/role/lenses

Next we show an example with the mandatory VAULT_VARS that lenses-cli requires in order to communicate with the vault.

export VAULT_ADDR="http://vault_host:vport"
export VAULT_TOKEN="Token"
export VAULT_ROLE="lenses"

# Check that you have access to vault
$ vault status
  Key             Value
  ---             -----
  Seal Type       shamir
  Initialized     true
  Sealed          false
  Total Shares    1
  Threshold       1
  Version         1.0.1
  Cluster Name    vault-cluster-7a134e7d
  Cluster ID      89bdb4a1-3340-7251-8e38-ec150c674e2d
  HA Enabled      false

In addition to the above environmental variables, lenses-cli secrets connect vault command will search our environment for any variable that starts with SECRET_. Given that it finds such a variable, it will proceed by extracting the string on the right, and create new variables as described below.


As we will see later on, the cli also checks for environment variables that begin with CONNECT_ or WORKER_.

Example key=value: SECRET_SOME_VARIABLE=some_value
  • Vault key:
    • Description: This is the secret key name inside the vault
    • Transformation: some-variable
  • Vault path:
    • Description: This is secrets engine path where lenses-cli will search for the key from above.
    • Transformation: None
  • Connector key name:
    • Description: Connector’s option
    • Transformation: some.variable=
  • Connector key value:
    • Description: The value of the connector option. The value points to the file which hosts our key.
    • Transformation (Vault form a secret key): ${file:secrets.props:some.variable}
    • Transformation (Value from a none secret key): some_value

The key value from above simply links the value that lenses-cli will pull from vault to a local file called secrets.props.

Next, let us create two new secrets to vault, export the SECRET_* variables to environment, and then use lenses-cli to pull these values.

# Create username & password secret entries
$ vault kv put /secret/lenses connect-influx-username=root connect-influx-password=root
  Key              Value
  ---              -----
  created_time     2019-02-17T19:50:37.874128038Z
  deletion_time    n/a
  destroyed        false
  version          1

# Export Username & Password Secret variable
export SECRET_CONNECT_INFLUX_USERNAME=/secret/data/lenses
export SECRET_CONNECT_INFLUX_PASSWORD=/secret/data/lenses

# Get Secrets from vault
$ lenses-cli secrets connect vault
  [INFO] 2019/02/18 00:45 Looking for secret environment variables
  [INFO] 2019/02/18 00:45 Found environment var [SECRET_CONNECT_INFLUX_PASSWORD=/secret/data/lenses]
  [INFO] 2019/02/18 00:45 Found environment var [SECRET_CONNECT_INFLUX_USERNAME=/secret/data/lenses]
  [INFO] 2019/02/18 00:45 Retrieving secret from server []. EnvVar: [SECRET_CONNECT_INFLUX_PASSWORD=/secret/data/lenses], Path: [/secret/data/lenses], Key: [connect-influx-password]
  [INFO] 2019/02/18 00:45 Found secret for EnvVar: [CONNECT_INFLUX_PASSWORD], Key: [connect-influx-password] in endpoint []
  [INFO] 2019/02/18 00:45 Retrieving secret from server []. EnvVar: [SECRET_CONNECT_INFLUX_USERNAME=/secret/data/lenses], Path: [/secret/data/lenses], Key: [connect-influx-username]
  [INFO] 2019/02/18 00:45 Found secret for EnvVar: [CONNECT_INFLUX_USERNAME], Key: [connect-influx-username] in endpoint []
  [INFO] 2019/02/18 00:45 Writing connector props to [connector.props]
  [INFO] 2019/02/18 00:45 Writing connector secrets props to [secrets.props]
Our secrets have been pulled and two new files have been created:
  • connector.props: Connect configuration file
  • secrets.props: File which links secrets from connector.props to secrets.props

And of course below are the contents of each file:

# Connector.props content
$ cat connector.props

# Secrets.props content
$ cat secrets.props

Below we show a sample of the connector’s variables in the uppercase form. You can see that all variables start either with a CONNECTOR_ or SECRET_ prefix. Lenses cli will ignore any variables that does not start with one of the above prefix strings.

export SECRET_CONNECT_INFLUX_PASSWORD=/secret/data/lenses
export CONNECTOR_NAME=influxdb_dev
export SECRET_CONNECT_INFLUX_USERNAME=/secret/data/lenses

$ lenses-cli secrets connect vault
  [INFO] 2019/02/19 23:51 Looking for secret environment variables
  [INFO] 2019/02/19 23:51 Found environment var [SECRET_CONNECT_INFLUX_PASSWORD=/secret/data/lenses]
  [INFO] 2019/02/19 23:51 Found environment var [SECRET_CONNECT_INFLUX_USERNAME=/secret/data/lenses]
  [INFO] 2019/02/19 23:51 Writing connector secrets props to [secrets.props]

# Connector.props
$ cat connector.props

  # Secrets.props
  $ cat secrets.props

To create the connector, run connect-cli as shown below.

$ connect-cli create influxdb_dev <connector.props
  Validating connector properties before posting
  Connector properties valid. Creating connector influxdb_dev
  #Connector `influxdb_dev`:
  #task ids: 0; 1

# List all available connectors
$ lenses-cli connectors --cluster-name=dev
  CLUSTER (4)    NAME            CONFIGS   TASKS
 -------------- --------------- --------- -------
  dev            influxdb_dev         19       2

# Check the status of influxdb_dev connector
$ lenses-cli connector --name=influxdb_dev --cluster-name=dev
 --------- -------------- --------- -------
  dev       influxdb_dev        19       2

Azure KeyVault is supported. Environment variables beginning with SECRET_ are translated to lowercase, with _ changed to -. The prefix is stripped from the variable name and used as the secret name to lookup in the key vault.

For example, if a secret was stored in Azure KeyVault with the key connect-cassandra-password and the value secret

az keyvault secret set --vault-name 'lenses-vault' --name 'connect-cassandra-password' --value 'secret'

The CLI will look up the secret value if following environment variable is set:


In Azure mode, service principal credentials, key vault name and optional a key vault dns prefix are required. The service principal must have read access to the key vault.

--client-id string       Azure client id
--client-secret string   Azure client secret id
--dns-suffix string      Azure key vault dns suffix (default "https://vault.azure.net")
--tenant-id string       Azure tenant id
--vault-name string      Azure key vault name

Flags can also be set as environment variables, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET, AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_KEY_VAULT and AZURE_KEY_VAULT_DNS. Environment variables take precedence over the command line options.

Env mode

The env mode sources secrets from environment variables and creates a file that can be sourced in a shell. For example if you have an environment variable of SECRET_CONNECT_MY_DATABASE_PASSORD=my-password the following will be written to a file called secrets.


Env mode can optionally create JSON or YAML files by setting the --output flag. Optionally variables can be sourced from a file by using the --from-file flag.

General Examples

# Create external secret files from Vault for Connect
secrets connect vault --vault-role lenses --vault-token XYZ --vault-addr
secrets connect vault --vault-role lenses --vault-token XYZ --vault-addr --from-file my-env.txt

# Create external secret files from Azure for Connect
secrets connect azure --vault-name lenses --client-id xxxx --client-secret xxxx --tenant-id xxxxx
secrets connect azure --vault-name lenses --client-id xxxx --client-secret xxxx --tenant-id xxxxx -from-file my-env.txt

# Create external secret files from Vault for an app
secrets app vault --vault-role lenses --vault-token XYZ --vault-addr
# Create external secret files from Vault for an app as YAML
secrets app connect vault --vault-role lenses --vault-token XYZ --vault-addr --output yaml

# Create external secret files from Azure for an app
secrets app azure --vault-name lenses --client-id xxxx --client-secret xxxx --tenant-id xxxxx
secrets app azure --vault-name lenses --client-id xxxx --client-secret xxxx --tenant-id xxxxx -from-file my-env.txt


The CLI is not checking if the variables are secret or not. If you set a sensitive secret with the prefix CONNECTOR or CONNECT is will be written directly to the connector.props or worker.props files.


View, create and modify topics:

View topics

View all topics.

$ lenses-cli topics [--names [--unwrap]]


The optional names flag wil display only the names of the topics, and if --unwrap then each topic name will be displayed on a new line as a simple text

View a topic

View a specific topic:

$ lenses-cli topic --name=reddit_posts
Update configs

Update a topic configuration:

$ lenses-cli topic update \
    --name="topic2" \
    --configs="[{\"key\": \"max.message.bytes\", \"value\": \"1000020\"}]"

Update from a file:

$ lenses-cli topic update ./topic.yaml


name: topicName
replication: 1
partitions: 1
  max.message.bytes: "1000010"


Command line flags are ignored when loading from files

Create topics

Create topics from the command line or files. If no replication, partitions or configuration is specific the broker defaults are used:

$ lenses-cli topic create \
    --name="topicName" \
    --replication=1 \
    --partitions=1 \
    --configs="{\"max.message.bytes\": \"1000010\"}"

For a file:

$ lenses-cli topic create ./topic.yml


name: topicName
replication: 1
partitions: 1
  max.message.bytes: "1000010"
Delete topics

Delete topics by name:

$ lenses-cli topic delete --name="topic2"

User Profile

List information about the authenticated logged user, such as the given roles given by the lenses administrator:

$ lenses-cli user

List user favorites:

$ lenses-cli user profile [--silent]

Delete a value from a user profile property:

$ lenses-cli user profile delete existingProperty existingValueFromProperty [--silent]

Set a value to a user profile property:

$ lenses-cli user profile set newProperty newValueToTheProperty [--silent]


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